How to configure a remote database in MED-V
Have you ever wanted to configure a remote database instead of using a local one in Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) but couldn’t find the steps on how to do it? If so this one’s for you:
1. First you have to make sure the SQL installation on the remote server is configured the following way:
- Instance Name: Default instance
- Service account: Use the built in user account
- Authentication mode: Mixed mode or Windows authentication.
- User: the default user created is 'sa'
- Password: <Desired Password>
- Collation Settings: default.
- Error and usage report settings: default.
2. Next comes configuring the MED-V server. The following files need to be installed on the MED-V server:
- Microsoft SQL server native client. This installs the prerequisites for the management objects collection.
- Microsoft SQL server management objects collection. This includes the required DLL files.
3. Then just configure the connection String used in MED-V:
Data Source=<ServerName>;Initial Catalog=<DBName>;uid=sa;pwd=<Password>;
That’s it; you should be good to go.
Hope this helps,
Steve Thomas | Senior Support Escalation Engineer