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The Wayward WebLog

Oh, what a tangled web

Solitude - Part I

Oetho rushed out the doorway at the base of the stone tower. His gray hair whipped in the wind and...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/11/2004

Stuck in the Slow Lane

Been writing in C++ lately. Man, I feel disconnected, alone, naked. So many pointers, deref'ing,...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/10/2004

Enumerating Enums

Why can't you enumerate Enums? You'd think you could, given the name! What would it look like? enum...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/10/2004

Programming without Types

Warning, actual serious content. This is not a joke. Repeat, this is not a joke. I don't want to get...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/10/2004

Flavor Free Cola

Cola must not be a flavor anymore. It was at one time, long ago. Now, there's cherry, vanilla, lemon...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/08/2004

TabletPC Addiction

It was obvious to most users of the current TabletPC that something had to change. The ones out...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/08/2004

The Pony Express

Did you ever stop to wonder just how much time I spend writing these posts? I mean, what kind of...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/08/2004

Xen: SQL in the mainstream

The X#/Xen (newly renamed c-omega) programming language has built in facilities to query data...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/07/2004

Gaming Discourse

I went to lunch with my brother today. This is a somewhat common occurrence. We are both soldiers...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/07/2004

Two Bit Universes

If you take the cover off the box you will find some thin slabs of metal, some circuit boards, boxes...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/07/2004

Barnacle Bits

I've been thinking of bits lately. You know, those fiendish critters that skitter around under the...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/07/2004

Good to be back

The vacation is over. The bags are unpacked. The laundry is done. The house is restocked of all...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/07/2004

Artificial Content

Controversial Topic 1. Catchy Lead-In 2. Comical Description 3. Obscure Prose 4. Ironic Summation...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/05/2004

Juiced Up

The flight back yesterday was generally pleasant, except for a few mishaps that I'll gladly go into...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/04/2004

Connecting Flight from Hell

Everyone has a story about the connecting flight from hell. I suppose I do too. This would not be...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/04/2004

Analogies and Metaphors

I thought that when I went on vacation I'd have a lot of time to think of brilliant new analogies...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/04/2004

The Hard Life

There was a surprising derth of posts over the last week. The vacation was great, but the 'brand...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/04/2004

Bar Hopping

A couple of weeks ago, Raymond Chen (I think it was him) posted a link to a funny write up on...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/01/2004

The Easy Life

There was not much to do today, except sit in the sun, float on the waves and take a long nap during...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 06/01/2004

The Inside Track

By now you’ve heard it all, seen all the slides, attended all the talks, and acquired as much...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/27/2004

ObjectSpaces: Requiem

We are gathered here today to give our final respects to good bit of OOP that has now been taken on...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/25/2004

Fiction: The Trap

Here's another story for you to read instead of getting your work done. The Trap It felt as though...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/24/2004

The Trap

It felt as though my stomach had been pulled up into my throat as the floor dropped away from my...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/24/2004

Code Farmers

I’m over the hump now. I can see the work for what it is. I’ve read all that I can....

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/24/2004

Truth about TechEd

TechEd is coming. That’s one of those conference thingy-ma-bobs that some of you attend to...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/21/2004

Programming in the Brain

I’m staring at source code again. This time it’s not mine. I’m not looking for a...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/20/2004

Nobody Trusts a Paladin

What happens when a defender of the faith teams up with three notorious thieves? Can anyone be truly...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/18/2004

Justice League

The cat is finally out of the bag. I know, I know, with my posts it seems like every other one has...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/18/2004

Aloha Oy

Nothing says summer (or spring) like a good vacation. While everyone else around here is nose to the...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/18/2004

Groping in the Dark

Groping around in the dark, that’s where I am today. The lights are on, but there is not much...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/12/2004

Late to the Fight

This story comes in answer to a challenge today to explain why trades via mail should be sent...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/11/2004

First rule of Fan Club

Okay folks, after a lot of requests from the readers I've decided to go ahead and kick off the...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/11/2004

Second Best

There is actually more to life than writing code. Some of us even have hobbies. It is certainly...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/10/2004

The Ultimate Service

It seems like every workday starts out pretty much the same as every other workday. The alarm goes...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/06/2004

Sometimes, when I'm not too busy working, eating, sleeping, playing, and cutting my toenails, I take...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/06/2004

Insecurity Training

I spent most of the day yesterday in a conference room with about a thousand other co-workers of...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/04/2004

Quaking in my boots

first half of 10.5 last night. I'm not going to start ranting over how much they got 'technically...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 05/03/2004

The Next Chihuahua

It’s been a long time since I’ve slept in an actual bed and eaten a home cooked meal.  I’ve been a...

Author: Matt Warren - MSFT Date: 04/29/2004

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