WPF/E Dev Center
Frank Arrigo who I will be having coffee with in MS Sydney in a few days time spotted that the WPF/E dev center is up and live.
I've been playing with this for a few months now and I have to say it is a great addition to both WPF developers and ASP.NET/Ajax developers wanting to put rich media content onto the web using the MS stack.
Will be blogging more about this when I get back. I hate not being able to talk about the technology stuff that really excites me.
(Also, seems the cat is out of the bag with the Expression stuff). Fun fun fun...
Technorati tags: wpf/e
December 03, 2006
the links are not working, any idea ?Anonymous
December 31, 2006
Here's something I havent featued before, the top 20 referrers to articles on my blog. I sense a theme