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Virtualne Laby o Windows Server 2008

Juz niedlugo powinien wyjsc kolejny build. Do tego czasu Windows Server 2008 mozemy poznawac na przyklad za pomoca wirtualnych laboratoriów. Na stronie Microsoft Events and Webcasts znajdziemy az czternascie 90 minutowych laboratoriów:


Centralized Application Access with Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Fine Grained Password Settings in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Managing Network Security Using Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Beta 3
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Failover Clustering
Managing TS Gateway and RemoteApps in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Managing Windows Server 2008 Using New Management Technologies Beta 3
Managing Windows Server "Longhorn" and Windows Vista using Group Policy
Managing Windows Vista and Windows Server "Longhorn" Network Bandwidth with Policy-based Quality of Service
Network Access Protection with IPSec Enforcement
Using APPCMD Command Line or UI with IIS 7 in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Using PowerShell in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Server Core
Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Server Manager 


Microsoft Events & Webcasts