VS Project, C++ and Editor team blogs
This is just a quick announcement about some Visual Studio team blogs that might be really worth checking out.
- https://blogs.msdn.com/vsproject/ – the Visual Studio Project and Build team (who owns Project System and MSBuild) has a new blog. They have just started but they already have 3 awesome articles:
- Hello and Welcome – great introduction from Brian Tyler, announcing among all that the VC++ Project System will be converted from VCBuild to MSBuild
- MSBuild Syntax and the IDE – an AWESOME introduction to MSBuild
- Platform Extensibility - Part 1 – a new way to extend the project system
- https://blogs.msdn.com/vcblog – the Visual C++ team blog. One particular post I’m interested in is by Raman Sharma about the C++ support for the Call Hierarchy feature I’ve been blogging about before.
- https://blogs.msdn.com/vseditor – the New Editor team has come up with some awesome blog posts recently:
- Walkthrough- Getting Started with Editor Extensions – a tutorial on writing extensions using MEF for the new WPF editor
- The new Box Selection, now with Multi-Line Editing! – REALLY check this out and watch the video!