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Ron Cundiff, on IIS7, and other Web Development Best Practices

Last night, Ron presented to the Memphis .NET Users Group.  The talk began with the improved administrative interface in IIS7, then he showed how to build a managed module for IIS7 with VS2008 (demo of a Web Traffic logging tool putting data into SQL Server), then he covered several ways to improve web performance on the server and on the client. Personally, I learned the most around the guidance on JavaScript performance issues. Good job, Ron!  (I'm also looking forward to IE8 and it's new Acid2 Face milestone.)

Then, after the presentation, he shows us this video. (You can find it at There's a storyline on the page that you should read, and then watch the video. It's about this guy (who is the human form of a Windows Server 2003 box, formerly part of the web farm at MS.COM), talking to a bartender (who is Windows Server 2000 in his retirement days). It's pitiful watching someone being sent out to the pasture. Also, catch the name of the drink that gets served. He even tries to hit on a female, one of the new 2008 web servers. Windows ME is in the back washing dishes. Your infrastructure friends should enjoy the satire. And, I've said before, Microsoft can laugh at itself.