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Jonas Deibe - Dynamics CRM, C#, JS

My personal blog about Microsoft Dynamics in code, picture and text (Stockholm/Sweden)

Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value

If you installed CRM 4.0 on box where you also have SQL and used a domain account as service account...

Author: jonadei Date: 01/11/2008

Bill has left the building

Checkout Bill's last day @ work...

Author: jonadei Date: 01/10/2008

CRM 4.0 release - happy holidays

I'd like to take this chance to wish all readers /customers/partners happy Christmas and a new year!...

Author: jonadei Date: 12/20/2007

The new Report Wizard (No SSRS skills)

One new cool thing in CRM 4.0 is the possibility for end-users to create their own reports without...

Author: jonadei Date: 12/01/2007

Where did my my virtualPC 2007 console go...

On my personal home laptop I have had a quite annoying problem the last weeks (or months). I can’t...

Author: jonadei Date: 11/25/2007

The Wait for Visual Studio 2008 is Over!

Full and trail versions please go to

Author: jonadei Date: 11/19/2007

New VPC image and RC0 bits availble

A new VPC with Release Candidate 0 (RC0) code base of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is released....

Author: jonadei Date: 11/17/2007

CRM 4.0 Plugin Example a simple "Logger"

In CRM 3.0 callouts was the business extension and in 4.0 its name changed to Plugins. Still it's...

Author: jonadei Date: 11/05/2007

Multi-tenancy for your benefit during customer demos or development or...

This only applies to the enterprise version. My current setup is still based on my base discs...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/31/2007

Improved Mail Merge with Word

More nice end-user features...Mail merge grabbs data from CRM to already predefined...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/20/2007

Convergence 2007 Copenhagen

Starts in a few days unfortunately for me I won’t join since I'm still on parental leave... but you...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/17/2007

10 nice new features in CTP 3 (CRM 4.0)

This is my current list from a business perspective (not the 110001 bits -maybe next blog post?) and...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/11/2007

Screencasts from Philip

Richardson has added 3 great videos showing new features in CTP3. Please enjoy Export customizations...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/07/2007

Titan (CRM 4.0) preview

2 days after the NDA restrictions here is my story.. Multi Multi Multi -Language: Additional...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/02/2007

Outlook Address book integration (SAMPLE)

This is a very simple sample how you could reuse MsSvAbw.AddrBookWrapper to populate a text field...

Author: jonadei Date: 09/17/2007

Tricks and tips for documentation

Document your project is a definitive must to-do but not always the first thing a developer thinks...

Author: jonadei Date: 09/04/2007

Holiday and Parental leave...

Haven’t been much action here lately and that’s because I'm now on parental leave. I have some...

Author: jonadei Date: 08/03/2007

Now CRM dev center on MSDN

I have updated "Microsoft CRM Links" and recommend all to bookmark them. I really like the Roadmap...

Author: jonadei Date: 06/10/2007

Debug your workflows on .NET 1.1 and 2.0 machines (CRMWorkflowService.exe.config)

This only applies if you have the 1.1 and 2.0 framework installed and your workflow "addin" is built...

Author: jonadei Date: 06/10/2007

New charts in future releases?

Dundas now part of Reporting Services!

Author: jonadei Date: 06/07/2007

Playing around with iframes... in javascript

Display a related entity in context of the parent is old stuff and could be found little every where...

Author: jonadei Date: 05/21/2007

New SDK release (Version 3.0.7, April 2007)

using unsafe connection sharing Create a customer relationship Create an opportunity and set a...

Author: jonadei Date: 05/02/2007

My current top 10 dev tools

Visual Studio 2003 – 2005 FxCop (hey I’m doing Q/A and anything that helps me reviewing other...

Author: jonadei Date: 04/24/2007

One thing I found useful when working with MSCRM is the possibility to directly access records by...

Author: jonadei Date: 04/19/2007

Render hidden values in "tester" mode by using querystring parameters

One way of doing verification on your logic in "build" mode is to use querystring parameters to...

Author: jonadei Date: 04/16/2007

Setting status with SetStateDynamicEntityRequest

Use either active or inactive as value for a.state SetStateDynamicEntityRequest a = new...

Author: jonadei Date: 04/04/2007

MSCRM on Channel 9 - Brad Wilson, Bill Patterson, Ben Riga: Dynamics CRM Platform

Talking about CRM 3.0 and next version (~26min)...

Author: jonadei Date: 04/02/2007

Use Build events to recycle application pool (instead of IISRESET)

When working with callouts or any assembly development that needs IISRESET For CRM 3.0: Prebuild...

Author: jonadei Date: 03/28/2007

Create Advanced Fetch in 10 Seconds using javascript

One simple way of creating fetch fast is to use advanced find and render that fetch in javascript....

Author: jonadei Date: 03/28/2007

Another CRM -> Sharepoint integration

Here is my first blogpost in English since I received requests from non speaking Swedes. The MSCRM...

Author: jonadei Date: 03/24/2007

Timezone uppdatering

Tänk på att synka alla offline klienter innan man patchar upp servern Microsoft Download Center:...

Author: jonadei Date: 03/04/2007

TechReady report

Så nu är man hemma efter en hård vecka i Seattle. Höjdpunkter var att jag träffade R&D kungen...

Author: jonadei Date: 02/12/2007

CRM Analytics Foundation

Nu finns CRM analytics för nerladdning Håller på att redigera...

Author: jonadei Date: 02/11/2007

TechReady 2007

Kommande vecka är det TechReady vecka i Seattle!Ska bli spännande och se vad som kommer visas då det...

Author: jonadei Date: 02/01/2007

Titan info + Optimizing the Performance

Optimizing Performance nu även för MSCRM 3.0...

Author: jonadei Date: 01/11/2007

God fortsättning alla glada!

v3c nu även på svenska. Laddas ner genom denna länk...

Author: jonadei Date: 01/05/2007

V3C är nu släppt!

Kan laddas ner via länken

Author: jonadei Date: 12/21/2006

Office webb komponents i Microsoft CRM 3.0 (level 300)

I office finns det ett bra bibliotek för att programmera staplar och diagram precis som man kan göra...

Author: jonadei Date: 12/11/2006

Rollup Update

I nya rollup'en som nyligen släpps är det även inkluderat en property som möjligör att man kan tala...

Author: jonadei Date: 12/06/2006

Tillbaka efter lite resande...

Har haft en del resande och är nu tillbaka. Borta bra men hemma bäst gäller fortfarande! CRM update...

Author: jonadei Date: 12/05/2006

Dölja system vyer/anpassade vyer för användarna via teams (LEVEL 100)

NYTT! I...

Author: jonadei Date: 11/10/2006

Vista till RTM

Gadgets, Gadgets och Gadgets till CRM! Har inget bra exempel just nu men så fort det lugnat ner sig...

Author: jonadei Date: 11/09/2006

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution Accelerator for Siebel

Finns nu att ladda ner Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution Accelerator for Siebel

Author: jonadei Date: 11/01/2006

Barcode's på

Inget nytt men intressant ur CRM perspektiv med många olika möjligheter att vidareutveckla för...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/31/2006

Min konfiguration och installation av demo/utvecklings miljö

Min rekommendation här är att använda sig av någon virtual server programvara. Jag använder mig av...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/31/2006

Nu börjar jag blogga...

Hej och Välkommen till min blogg! Tanken är att försöka inspirera och sprida information kring...

Author: jonadei Date: 10/31/2006
