Taking your Research Service for Microsoft Office Offline
If you have dreamed of creating your own Research Service and making data available offline, then things just got easier. If you are not sure what I am talking about, I am referring to the Research task pane in Office 2003:
What's great is that you can create your own Research service provider. Want to let Office users search your corp data and plug search results right into a document? That's what it's all about.
In one of my articles, I showed how to roll your own from scratch: "The Definitive Hello World Custom Research Service Tutorial"
However, this presumes a connected model. What if the client is offline, but I want the same search and action functionality? That's what this article shows you how to do:
Build Office 2003 Research Services That Work Offline
Written by the venerable Chris Kunicki with John Murray (also a rock star coder), they show you how to create a Research provider that will work in a connected and disconnected world without the user needing to know a thing about it. It's an intelligent model. There is an accompanying download.
Check it out.
Rock on.
- Anonymous
June 17, 2004
John R. Durant points to an MSDN article on how to build Office research panes with offline access support. It's good that Office is finally becoming a decent Intranet client....