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The world stops for everyone else .. ..

Well the snow fall seems to have stopped the UK from working, but luckily for me I can pretty much carry on as normal.

OK – I can’t do all the things I wanted to do in the order I originally intended.

But thanks to David Allen and Outlook i’m pretty well organised and I can find plenty of things to get on with.

Thanks to Outlook Anywhere I can still get my email.

Thanks to Office Communicator I can still get see if people are available and keep in contact with them.

Thanks to the Intelligent Application Gateway and Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services I can still get access to the applications I need.

And thanks to Groove I can still securely share files with my colleagues, partners and customers.

I’m doubly fortunate in that I’m a remote worker anyway and Microsoft provides me with all the tools I need to do my job wherever I am.