Indirection is funny
In code, unnecessary layers of indirection can be confusing and lead to bug. Do you really need to write code like: ***p = ****q.
However, in natural language, technically correct usages of indirection can be funny and sound sophisticated.
- "We need a plan for when we'll have the plan"
- "Known Knowns", "Known Unknowns", and "Unknown Unknowns"
- "I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate."
November 20, 2007
Saying phrases like "This statement is false" does mean you've found some fatal flaw inAnonymous
November 20, 2007
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog has an entry, I just love to refer to: "This statement is false" AtAnonymous
November 21, 2007
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog has an entry, I just love to refer to: "This statement is false"