Tricks and tips from people who use Microsoft Dynamics CRM
From the Resource Center:
This place is for the community to share best practices and tips about using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The information on this page is provided from users to users. If you are looking for help and don't find what you need here, see Related Links for links to other helpful resources, such as the Community and Team Blog.
The solutions suggested here have not been tested or verified by Microsoft, and may be unsupported. For more information, see Terms of Use.
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On This Page
Adding tooltips to fields on forms
More Than 8 Tabs on a Microsoft CRM Form
Sorting on more than 1 column in a view
Choose the Entity, then Create the Activity
Creating Attribute Best Practice
Dynamics CRM instant messaging
Running CRM from a Web browser
Microsoft CRM 4.0 SSRS 2008 Integration
Use Read-Only Fields on Workflows
Set an Alarm for a Scheduled Activity
Store your Scripts in Visual Studio
OnLoad Script DueDate_DurationNull
Using Outlook Favorites for Fast Access to CRM (video demo)
Improve Outlook Experience with CRM
Error occurred during Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality
Keyboard shortcut to Form Assistant
Count your leads and other records
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