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Searching the Internet – Simple Tricks

Searching the Internet for information can be fun and is thrilling when you find what you are looking for the first time. But using the search capabilities successfully is dependent upon what words you use in your search string. The challenge is really to structure your search string so that you don’t end up with too many or too few hits. And as with anything, practice does make perfect. We’ll start with some basics.

1. Start by using keywords made up of nouns and objects. Articles and pronouns are considered clutter and verbs rarely help.

BAD: The CRM engine that microsoft makes.

Good: Microsoft CRM

2. Boolean commands (AND, OR, AND NOT) is a power user tool to get a large set of search string returns.

3. Phrase amp up your search results. To use phrases employ the use of quotation marks.

Good: Microsoft CRM

Better: “Dynamics CRM”

Quick Tips

  • Use nouns as query keywords. Never use articles ("a," "the"), pronouns ("he," "it"), conjunctions ("and," "or") or prepositions ("to," "from") in your queries
  • Use 6 to 8 keywords per query
  • Where possible, combine keywords into phrases by using quotation marks, as in "dynamics crm workflow"
  • Spell carefully, and consider alternate spellings such as ‘dynamic’ vs. ‘dynamics’.
  • Avoid redundant or common terms

Happy hunting.