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Glass House: The Pendulum Swings

This caught my attention from one of my fav bloggers Frank Shaw on Glass HouseTM.

From today’s Slate blog on human nature, a cogent analysis of the emerging competition between the real and virtual worlds, this time epitomized by the growing use of smart phones during meetings. Heck, as someone who routinely uses a laptop to take notes in meetings, this is an old, old trend. Key nuggets from Slate:

The Times headlined this article, "At Meetings, It's Mind Your BlackBerry or Mind Your Manners." But the story is much bigger than manners. It's the ascent of the virtual world as a rival to the physical world. We've talked about this trend before in the context of cell phones and driving. When phone calls draw your eyes off the road, and when electronic messages pull your attention out of business meetings, it's time to think about what's happening to the relationship between your mind and your body. You're drifting out of physical space. Not just you but the millions of others who are doing the same thing.

That point about "the etiquette debate ... tilting in the favor of smartphone use"? That's the virtual world gaining parity and vying for supremacy. That guy who speeds up his presentation when most of his listeners disappear into their BlackBerrys? That's the physical world struggling to keep up. That observation from Clinton's adviser about "half the participants BlackBerrying each other as a submeeting"? That's no joke. They really are having a meeting. It just happens to be in the virtual world. If your body is in the room but your brain is offline, you're missing that meeting. You're absent.

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