Get up to 25% off select Microsoft Certification exams
I just wanted to give you a heads-up that Microsoft Learning announced some significant discounts on select Certification Exams today. Select Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) exams are 15% or 20% off, while Microsoft Certified IT Pro (MCITP) exams are 25% off. Click here for more info and a list of participating exams.
Microsoft is providing these discounts as part of a broader campaign designed to help IT Pros and Developers advance their careers through MS technology. In the next few weeks we will announce more offers (around eLearning and instructor-led training) as well as an interactive website designed to provide clear guidance on how to get a job, advance your career or become indispensable in your existing role.
So although these do not include CRM certification tests, there are a lot of my peeps who do take certification tests in other product areas. So take a look and see if this works for you.