Partager via

Creating readonly controls - ComboBox, etc.

The following panel makes any control within it read-only (e.g. unresponsive to clicks/keyboard input) without turning it dark grey. 

There is an alternate solution specifically for combobox as presented at the PDC. Code is here.


   public class ReadonlyControlHolder : Panel {

        private bool readOnly = false;

        public bool ReadOnly {
get {
return readOnly;
set {
if (readOnly != value) {
readOnly = value;
if (IsHandleCreated) {
SafeNativeMethods.EnableWindow(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), !readOnly);

        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) {
if (ReadOnly) {
SafeNativeMethods.EnableWindow(new HandleRef(this,this.Handle), !readOnly);
private class SafeNativeMethods {
public static extern void EnableWindow(HandleRef hwnd, bool enabled);