What's changed in WS-I Basic Profile 1.1?
Sherman Mohler of Cisco's Learning Institute completed a comparison of WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 with WS-I Basic Profile 1.0. I've included a copy of the document below for your enjoyment.
New Requirements as of WS-I 1.1
R9980 - An ENVELOPE MUST conform to the structure specified in SOAP 1.1 Section 4, "SOAP Envelope" (subject to amendment by the Profile).
R1033 – An ENVELOPE SHOULD NOT contain the namespace declaration xmlns:xml="https://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace". C
R1034 – A DESCRIPTION SHOULD NOT contain the namespace declaration xmlns:xml="https://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace". C
R1032 – The soap:Envelope
, soap:Header
, and soap:Body
elements in an ENVELOPE MUST NOT have attributes in the namespace "https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
R1127 – A RECEIVER MUST NOT rely on the value of the SOAPAction
HTTP header to correctly process the message.(SOAP12)
R2803 – In a DESCRIPTION, the namespace attribute of the wsdl:import
MUST NOT be a relative URI.
R4005 – A DESCRIPTION SHOULD NOT contain the namespace declaration xmlns:xml="https://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace".
R2030 – In a DESCRIPTION the wsdl:documentation element MAY be present as the first child element of wsdl:import, wsdl:part and wsdl:definitions in addition to the elements cited in the WSDL1.1 specification.(WSDL20)
R2212 – An ENVELOPE MUST contain exactly one part accessor element for each of the wsdl:part
elements bound to the envelope's corresponding soapbind:body
R2213 – In a doc-literal description where the value of the parts attribute of soapbind:body is an empty string, the corresponding ENVELOPE MUST have no element content in the soap:Body element.
R2214 – In a rpc-literal description where the value of the parts attribute of soapbind:body is an empty string, the corresponding ENVELOPE MUST have no part accessor elements.
R2755 – The part accessor elements in a MESSAGE described with an rpc-literal binding MUST have a local name of the same value as the name
attribute of the corresponding wsdl:part element
Old Requirements removed from WS-I 1.1
R0004 – A MESSAGE MAY contain conformance claims, as specified in the conformance claim schema.
R0005 – A MESSAGE's conformance claims MUST be carried as SOAP header blocks.
R0006 – A MESSAGE MAY contain conformance claims for more than one profile.
R0007 – A SENDER MUST NOT use the soap:mustUnderstand
attribute when sending a SOAP header block containing a conformance claim.
R3020 – REGDATA of type uddi:tModel
claiming conformance with a Profile MUST be categorized using the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 taxonomy.
R3030 – REGDATA of type uddi:tModel
claiming conformance with a Profile MUST use the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 categorization value corresponding to the conformance claim URI for that Profile.
R3021 – A REGISTRY MUST support the WS-I Conformance category system by adding the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 tModel definition to its registry content.
R3005 – REGDATA other than uddi:tModel
elements representing conformant Web service types MUST NOT be categorized using the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 taxonomy and a categorization of "https://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.0".
R3004 – REGDATA of type uddi:tModel
MUST be constructed so that the conformance claim it makes is consistent with the conformance claim made by the wsdl:binding
to which it refers.
R4001 – A RECEIVER MUST accept messages that include the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM).C
R1010 – A RECEIVER MUST accept messages that contain an XML Declaration.
R1012 – A MESSAGE MUST be serialized as either UTF-8 or UTF-16.
R1018 – The media type of a MESSAGE's envelope MUST indicate the correct character encoding, using the charset parameter.
R1110 – An INSTANCE MAY accept connections on TCP port 80 (HTTP).
R2020 – The wsdl:documentation
element MAY occur as a child of the wsdl:import
element in a DESCRIPTION. WSDL20
R2021 – The wsdl:documentation
element MAY occur as a child of the wsdl:part
element in a DESCRIPTION. WSDL20
R2024 – The wsdl:documentation
element MAY occur as a first child of the wsdl:definitions
element in a DESCRIPTION. WSDL20
R2728 - A wsdl:binding
in a DESCRIPTION that omits the use
attribute on a contained soapbind:fault
element MUST be interpreted as though use
="literal" had been specified. C
Referenced Specifications
Identical except WS-I 1.1 also references: “Namespaces in XML 1.0”
Extensibility Points
Identical except WS-I 1.1. includes:
E0006 - Envelope serialization - The Profile does not constrain some aspects of how the envelope is serialized into the message
E0024 - Namespace Attributes - Namespace attributes on soap:Envelope and soap:Header elements
E0025 - Attributes on soap:Body elements - Neither namespaced nor local attributes are constrained by SOAP 1.1
E0019 - TLS Cyphersuite - TLS allows for the use of arbitrary encryption algorithms
E0020 - TLS Extensions - TLS allows for extensions during the handshake phase