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"The American Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide"

This isn't a computer-related post, more like a public service announcement. I'm a Microsoftie, but I'm also a veteran -- twenty years active duty in the Air Force. (Microsoft is actually the first civilian company I've ever worked for, which amuses me when I think about it -- consider the contrast!) Anyway, having been there, I sympathize with those trying to navigate the various agencies of the military branches, DOD, and the VA, so when I heard about this resource, I wanted to share it.

Wait -- I can relate this to computers -- it's an e-book!

No ordering or shipping or searching, just a download. Bobby Muller of "Veterans for America" posts a bit of the story behind it.

It's an amazing effort for these folks to gather all this information and make it available, but it's even more important that the people who need the information get the word. So if you are a vet or know a vet, check out The American Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide: How to Cut Through the Bureacracy And Get What You Need--And Are Entitled To