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New documentation: that first paragraph

You are transitioning from content design to content development...

The framework is ready. You've created the document with the main sections that you designed, and you've probably dumped in some known information and lots of questions and notes from your design phase. What now?

I'm sure every writer has his own way to get the narrative started. One of my methods is the fake lede.

The fake lede helps me get some momentum going. It's a relaxing bit of writing, because it is only a placeholder and needn't meet rules for style or usage or even good taste. I do try to keep it on topic (mostly) but that's my only restriction. If what I write is ridiculous, so be it. Sometimes that's even an puts me in a good mood for the "real" narrative.

So here's my fake lede for the next version of the DPM Planning Guide:

Why does data protection matter? Data -- information, figures, results, research -- is an invaluable business resource. The loss of that data can result in work stoppage, dissatisfied customers, failure to provide services, financial straits, even harm to individuals. For example, a company that handles travel arrangements loses its reservations database. Not only is it unable to confirm any pending reservations, it cannot even identify the affected customers to notify them of the problem. Mr. Sylvester, travelling to Istanbul, made his hotel reservations through that company. Upon arrival, he is informed that he has no reservation and that no rooms are available anywhere in the city due to a labor strike. Mr. Sylvester, after exhausting all other resources, curls up on a park bench, where he is set upon by thieves and badly beaten in the battle for his briefcase. And you ask why data protection matters…I hope you are properly abashed now.


  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2006
    Pretty funny, Jeanie! :)