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Deciphering our language codes

Yesterday being "patch Tuesday", I updated my computer at work with the latest security updates. I have to do each update manually -- Windows Update stopped working on my system several years ago and when Tech Support reached the troubleshooting step of "gently hint that the customer may want to consider formatting the hard drive and starting over", I decided to just put up with manual updates.

The patch that I thought was interesting was for Security Bulletin 06-023, and what I found interesting was the approach they took on the download page: 24 individual files with no guidance on which one (or all?!?) to download.

Looking at that list, maybe you figured it out quicker than I did, but at the end of each filename is a three-letter code. That code equates to a language. And the list of our codes and associated languages is here, in case you ever need to look them up.