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Windows Embedded CE MCP Exam - more help!


So a lot of you read about the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam for Windows Embedded CE a while back. Initially, we offered a voucher for 50% off - that expired August 31st... smile_sad Well I'm happy to say we're putting it back on! simply email, and they will send you a code to get 50% off your exam price. this new offer expires January 5th 2009! Thanks Windows Embedded Team! Party

We've also got prep kits for the exams, so that you'll have some study materials and ace the tests! Originally, we offered the kit in English - but now we've localized them too - they're available in German, French, and Simplified Chinese, in addition to English! we're also working on Japanese, and Korean - to be available in a few weeks. in order to get the kits, you must be a registered user - we've even got the registration forms localized! all of this is available on our certification landing page!

So you see, nothing is holding you back from becoming the next Microsoft Certified Professional! we're at 222 and counting! not bad for a new program, eh? Wink

