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Gathering DAG Information - Part 1

This is a part 1 of a series of scripts one can use to gather information about your Exchange 2010 DAGs.

First, credit where credit is due. Jay Newton is who wrote the initial script, and then I went over it and helped work out some of the kinks.

This script here is to help in finding the Whitespace for an individual DAG server.

#Generate whitespace report for an individual mailbox server

#get local server name
$localserver = $env:computername

#create array of all mailbox databases hosted on local server where name starts with DAG
$mailboxdbs = get-mailboxdatabase -server $localserver -status | select-object name,mountedonserver,databasesize,availablenewmailboxspace | where-object {$ -like "Dag*"}

#Get information about the mount points for the DBs for each item in the array
foreach ($mailboxdb in $mailboxdbs)
        $split = $($"-")
        $db = $split[1]
        $dbname = "*" + $db + "_data*"
        $mountinfo = Get-Wmiobject -query "select name,driveletter,capacity,freespace from win32_volume where drivetype=3" | where-object {$ -like $dbname }
        $mountname = $
        $mountsizegb = ($mountinfo.capacity / 1gb)
        $mountfreegb = ($mountinfo.freespace / 1gb)
        $mountfreepct = ($mountfreegb*100/$mountsizegb)

        #add new array elements to represent the information returned from WMI query about the mount point
        $mailboxdb | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "MountPoint" -value $mountname
        $mailboxdb | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "SizeGB" -value $mountsizegb
        $mailboxdb | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "FreeGB" -value $mountfreegb
        $mailboxdb | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "Free%" -value $mountfreepct

        #echo results


Now, if you look closely, you will see the DB name has to start with Dag. So remember to change this to match your environment.

Here is an example output:

In part 2, we will break down the script into it's components, add the Whitespace calculation, and then return it as a property bag for SCOM.
