Interesting Article
A good editorial from the San Jose Mercury News.
San Jose Mercury News
Too much tech regulation would hinder services of IT specialists
By Alan Weinberger
May 10, 2006
- Anonymous
May 11, 2006
You should read what lawyer Andy Updegrove has to say about this here:
and here: - Anonymous
May 12, 2006
Let's see... yes, here it is:
"ASCII Group Asks Feds To Back Off Microsoft
While Microsoft was filing its first formal response to antitrust allegations, a group representing independent value-added resellers and systems integrators urged government officials to back off the software giant.
The ASCII Group, based in Fairfax, Va., issued a position paper Tuesday that called for the suspension of The Judiciary Committee's hearings on Microsoft's business practices."
It doesn't look like The ASCII Group is
very independent; they're solidly in
Microsoft's camp, it seems.