Instructions For Insulting Me
Given that I tend to blog about contentious issues in the software industry, and that I work for Microsoft, it seems that I frequently draw the ire of some of my readers. To the extent that you wish to insult me, I now insist that you use this tool to draw out the best from your acerbic comments. Thus, I can feel both enriched and insulted at the same time - thou pribbling beef-witted foot-licker!
In case you need the full link for pasting into emails. :-)
For those of you lacking a sense of humor, you may continue to insult me as you wish.
June 12, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 12, 2007
[Thou] villainous abominable misleader of youth!Anonymous
June 20, 2007
Well, it got your attention didn't it! You may wonder about the link between the two, so I'll point youAnonymous
June 20, 2007
Well, it got your attention didn't it! You may wonder about the link between the two, so I'll point youAnonymous
July 24, 2007
Jason Matusow and I were sat next to each other at a meeting at the end of last week. I was laughing