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Vista makes deployment and management easier

Heroes Happen Here

Today sees the launch of Windows Server 2008 and the campaign we're pushing out into market is one of turning IT guys and girls into heroes within their companies.  Don't get it? Imagine turning the perception of your IT department as a cost centre and a black hole for budget into one of delivering true business value and innovative technology to increase business opportunities. 

Imagine being a strategic asset for your business, one where you are seen by the boss as being the driver of improved business processes, lowering cost and enabling the workforce to do what they do best.

There are more ways IT guys (and gals) can become heroes within their companies than with Server 2008; the desktop has a part to play too.

There are two main reasons why IT departments should consider using Vista in their companies:

  • Deployment
  • Management

Now, it's not like this is the first time I've mentioned these reasons on my blog but I thought I would draw your attention to a recent InfoWorld article that delves into why Vista rocks if you're an IT guy. 

Go read the article here.
