Modifying InfoPath manifest.xsf file from script (5/5)
Part 5 of 5: The final function
And the final function is
function FixupSolutionXSN(
var XsnInputPath = Combine(inputDirectory, xsnInputName);
var XsfInputPath = Combine(inputDirectory, "manifest.xsf");
var XsfOutputPath = Combine(outputDirectory, "manifest.xsf");
ExtractFilesFromXSN(XsnInputPath, outputDirectory);
FixupXSF(XsfInputPath, XsfOutputPath, serviceURL, wsdlURL);
MakeXSNFromFiles(inputDirectory, "manifest.xsf", outputDirectory, xsnOutputName);
Now the gentle reader has free reins to drive the code above to the helpful utility.
Converting the script to managed code would be a good exercise as well.
January 23, 2007
Hi, After performing all of these steps, how do you sign the form template again with a certificate? What I mean is, do the following programmatically:
January 24, 2007
To ivl: since the InfoPath .xsn file is just a renamed .cab, you can use a Windows SDK tool signcode.exe to sign a cab file from script. More info here:;en-us;247257 -AlexAnonymous
June 27, 2010
Hello, thanks for posting such a nice article. Do please tell me how to sign the form template. The singncode.exe provided with sdk isn't a good option. My template is deployed on server side so i need to sign the template with server side certificate. The singcode.exe as described in provided link pops the enter key option which i dont want. any other option to sign the template through code thanks in advance imranAnonymous
January 18, 2012
Please let me know which script it is? Could you please give me the total script in one file. Thanks, Murthy