Saved from blog bleh
Like my new header? I had secretly hoped that someone would do something like this for me, but you know, I can't really ask.
HUGE thanks to Derek for making my blog considerably less bleh!
July 08, 2008
Nice. Though I kind of miss all the pinks and maroons.Anonymous
July 08, 2008
The image is cool but it may not show for some visitors since it's secure from MSN. You might want to put it in your Community Server files then link to it there instead. Works the same on our ASP.NET blogs.Anonymous
July 08, 2008
Programmerman - I don't think there were pinks and maroons. It must just read darker. wisems- it's on my msn share. I'll check it out and see what the problem is. Thanks for the heads up.Anonymous
July 08, 2008
I know what I was thrown off by -- the Feedburner thingy.Anonymous
July 08, 2008
Just to confirm, as a member of the 'outside world', I can't see the new header.Anonymous
July 09, 2008
okee dokee, I'll work on it.Anonymous
July 09, 2008
I can't see it today! Where did it go??Anonymous
July 09, 2008
I just see the text in your header. It looks really clean though! :)Anonymous
July 09, 2008
Man, you guys are impatient ;)Anonymous
July 09, 2008
ok guys, just loaded onto community server. Should be viewable shortly. And I learned something.