Back to blogging soon
I know I haven't written much lately. I'm not making excuses or pretending like it's a big deal for you. Right now I am working on my business plan which is a ton of writing. I'm almost done. But while I'm doing it, my writing creativity bank is empty for blogging.
Soon I'll also be able to talk about what I am doing next fiscal year (starting in a few weeks). It's different and I am really looking forward to it!
June 17, 2008
What sort of business plan? Non-MS related? Do tell.Anonymous
June 17, 2008
Nope, just my plan for my team for next fiscal year. WSe are being asked to do A LOT so I am having to map out our processes and projects, develop timelines, etc.Anonymous
June 17, 2008
my face hit the keyboard while reading that jkAnonymous
June 17, 2008
It's funny, I heard Bill gates had the same reaction :)Anonymous
June 17, 2008
"I'm not making excuses or pretending like it's a big deal for you." - Well it's a big deal to me! :) Come back and blog, we miss you! :)Anonymous
June 18, 2008
I think it's kind of funny that writing your biz plan has exhausted your creativity bank. Must be fascinating reading :).Anonymous
June 18, 2008
Q - thanks! Rich - when you build something from scratch, creativity absolutely comes into play. It's a different kind of creativity but after a day of working on my plan, I hardly feel inspired to blog. I'll be back soon.