From wet to dry: Phoenix breaks record for days without rain
I spent almost 2 weeks in Seattle and came so close to seeing the record for consecutive days of rain get broken. Unfortunately, on Sunday, January 15th there was no measurable rain. Then I return home to Phoenix and we are closing in on the record for consecutive days without rain (101 days). Well, we have just broken that record. At least I was present for a record to be set. Unfortunately, this was not a record I wanted to see broken. As I am typing this, I am listening to the news being replayed on TV and hear that Seattle is expecting 8 inches of rain. Boy, if only that could be redirected to Phoenix somehow!!!
I will be praying for rain here as we really need it!!
- Anonymous
January 30, 2006
I think your lack of rain is the same reason we have a warm winter here in Minnesota. All of our weather is coming from the Pacific rather than from Canada.
<fanciful dream zone>
Too bad we can't beam water - or better yet - snow ala Star Trek. I could have a clean driveway in seconds just by beaming the snow there to a patch of parkland. At 70+ degrees, this would be water in minutes.
</fanciful dream zone> - Anonymous
January 30, 2006
Yes, I wish that were possible!!! You could beam your snow right to our resevoirs and we would be in good shape!! - Anonymous
January 30, 2006
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