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Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 8 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-14-07)

Although I did not deliver Part 8 of the Webcast Series, I am still posting on my blog.  I do want to acknowledge and thank my team mate, Bryan Von Axelson, for stepping in with minimal notice to cover for me on February 14th (while I sat on a plane in Albuquerque experiencing the worst travel week I've had).

There were a considerable amount of repeat questions so I did delete a lot of the duplicates.  Enjoy.

Harold Wong

Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 8 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-14-07)

Question: what was that link to Powershell download?


Question: Can you have shared resources (calendar) cross forest between an Exchange 2003 Org and an Exchange 2007 org?

Answer: You can share Free / Busy information.

Question: Can this Poweshell script running on Ex2k3 site?

Answer: If you are asking if you can install PowerShell on an Exchange 2003 Server, the answer is yes. From a management perspective, there are no CMDLETs built specifically for Exchange 2003. If you are using the Exchange Management Shell with Exchange 2007, you can perform some very basic management items against the Exchange 2003 servers, but this is mainly for transition to Exchange 2007.

Question: lets say you have a front-end back-end topology, can you install the 2007 Edge Transport role on the same 2003 front-end server in a DMZ environment (when migrating to 2007)

Answer: First, the Edge Transport server role is not a replacement for the Exchange 2003 FE. It is a role that handles SMTP messages. The Client Access server role is the “replacement” for the Exchange 2003 FE. Regardless, there is no in-place upgrade from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007. The server hardware and host OS (Windows 2003 64 bit) must both be 64 bit.

Question: is it possible to have edge transport and isa on the same server? is it even a good idea?

Answer: No, that is not supported.

Question: can you deploy without a CAS role in the organization, using just Mailbox and Hub Transport?

Answer: No you need a CAS. But it can be on the same box as mailbox or hub transport

Question: Is a deployment guide for Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2007 - I understand there is no direct migration from E5.5 to E2K7

Answer: states that E5.5 needs to be first upgraded to 2000 or 2003 before upgrading to 2007.

Question: How does upgrading to Outlook 2007 help de-empahsize public folders?

Answer: We are de-emphasizing Public Folder support in Exchange 2007. We still support them for PFs in Exchange 2007 (as well as E14 – next version). We are not creating new functionality with PFs, but will continue to support them. Our future direction is to start using SharePoint Server.

Question: what's address if i want access by oWA?

Answer: By default, it will have the following format:  You have the option to change this to what meets your needs.

Question: How do you add the “size” and “total items” fields when displaying a list of mailboxes in the Exchange Management Console? They do now show in Add/Remove columns. Can this type of list be created in the Exchange Management Shell? You could view this list in Exch03 for each mailbox database.

Answer: That is not exposed in the Exchange Management Console. You will need to use the Exchange Management Shell.

Question: If I have already extended the schema and domain in preparation for transition from 2000 to 2003, do I still need to extend the AD and schema prior to installing EX2K7?

Answer: Exchange 2007 has a different set of schema extensions from Exchange 2003, so you would still need to perform the schema extensions for Exchange 2007.

Question: If we just install exchange 2007 in existing exchange 2003 org with just command , will it extend schema automatically ?

Answer: Provided you have the rights to extend the schema, it will do so automatically.

Question: where can i find info on all the Exchange commands available for EX2k7?

Answer: From the Exchange Management Shell, use the get-excommand CMDLET to view the list of Exchange commands.

Question: Active Directory-specific cmdlets would be very useful

Private Answer: yes you can get them from get-help in command shell

Question: This is the Powershell, not ESH right? or are we speaking same thing?

Answer:  The Exchange Management Shell is built upon the Windows PowerShell.

Question: Is there a Software Developer Kit to automate Account, group and recipient creation possibly through an Web interface?

Answer: The Exchange Server 2007 SDK information can be found here:

Question: Does the powershell handle routine DOS commands we always performed at the regular command prompt?

Answer: yes you can execute some operating system commands from within PowerShell.

Question: Can I install the Exchange Management Shell (Powershell with Exchange cmdlet extensions) separately... on my XP Pro workstation? Or do I need the whole "admin" install like with 2003 ESM?

Answer: You can install the Windows PowerShell onto Windows XP Pro followed by the Exchange 2007 Management Tools which will also include the Exchange Mangement Shell. We support this on both 32 bit and 64 bit of Windows XP Pro.

Question: Why was the GUI slimmed down and the emphasis on the command shell? Why not just expose everything in the GUI as well. We now have to train our admininstrators how to script.

Answer: you can do most simple functions in GUI. But no GUI has ever supporting making mass changes to many users. To do things to a few mailboxes most administrators will like the GUI best. But advanced Admins will love the speed and power of doing mass changes, big impact things that can only be done with a scripting language. Learning curve is fast. It reads like English and help is great on it. Since the Exchange Management Console is based wholly on the Exchange Management Shell, it is possible to write your own GUI controls.

Question: Does CAS have built-in or add-on support to interface with SecureID server for 2-factor authentication?

Answer: You should use ISA 2006 to publish OWA as ISA 2006 does indeed have built in support for SecureID and 2 factor authentication..

Question: Can you use Powershell with Exchange Server 2003?

Answer: Only in a limited capacity for transition tasks.

Question: Can resource mailboxes and event services be located on a mailbox server cluster with CCR?

Answer: I’m not sure what you mean by event services, but resource mailboxes are indeed stored in the Exchange Mailbox database and therefore on a Mailbox server role – which can be on a cluster.

Question: Can you do a net stop on a machine differant that the one the command is issued on?

Answer: I don’t believe the Net Stop command supports remote operations.

Question: does powershell only run on Exchange server?

Answer: Windows PowerShell does not require Exchange Server 2007. However, Exchange Server 2007 requires Windows PowerShell since it is built completely on Windows PowerShell for management. There will be other Microsoft Server applications that will integrate with the PowerShell as we move forward.

Question: Where can I download tutorials and sample scripts for the Exchange Management Shell ?


Question: Is the default execution policy set to restricted?

Answer: No, it is set to RemoteSigned:

Question: How do you sign a script?


Question: I did not see him demontstrating how to sign a script. Do we need certificates?

Answer: is your best resource for Scipting security and signing.

Question: What can I do with PowerShell


Question: Scripting Resource


Question: Script Center Home


Question: The link - - says you must change the execution policy in the registry but we jus saw a demo on how to script it. Can we script in it?

Answer: The default execution policy is RemoteSigned. This allows locally created scripts to run – which is what was done during the demo. If Bryan had downloaded something from the Internet (remote source) that wasn’t signed, then it wouldn’t run.
