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Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 6 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-07-07)

Slowly, but surely, I am getting caught up.  Here's the log from Part 6 of the 24 Part Exchange 2007 Webcast series.  Please let me know if I missed anything.

Harold Wong

Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 6 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-07-07)

Question: Will you be discussing configuration of the Exchange 2007 to provide OWA and OMA in parallel with Exchange 2003? We currently have Exchange 2003 providing OWA and OMA and are setting up our Exchange 2207 server. We have moved a couple of users to the Exchange 2007, however they cannot access their OWA or OMA. Even if you are going to cover that configuration can you provide a link for that task?

Answer: OMA is no longer supported in Exchange Server 2007. I will be covering Exchange Server 2007 OWA in Part 16. - Harold

Question: We have 5.5 under NT, we're going to install Ex2k7 under the AD on seperate domain (two domains trusted each other). Can we make these two exchagne running at same time (they both use the same domain). if so , how can i configure email flow on each of exchange server?

Answer: Exchange 2007 does not support coexistence with Exchange Server version 5.5. Your Exchange organization must be operating in native mode to support coexistence with Exchange 2007.

Question: If running two physical exchange servers (Edge Transport on 1 and the other 4 roles on the other) can the Edge Transport Server have standard version while the backend server have a Excahnge Server enterprise on it?

Answer: Yes

Question: Is there a CMDLet available in Exchange 2007 that I could use to customize folder permissions inside a mailbox? Scenario: I would like to give a group read permission to calendar of all mailboxes on a server. I know about the Add-mailboxPermission but that only applies to Mailbox level (not folder) permissions.

Answer: Unfortunately, this is not possible at the time.

Question: how to mirate 5.5 public database into the ex2k7/

Answer: You cannot upgrade an existing Exchange Server version 5.5 organization to Exchange 2007. You must first migrate from the Exchange Server 5.5 organization to either an Exchange 2003 organization or an Exchange 2000 organization, and then you can transition the Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 organization to Exchange 2007.

Question: Just to clarify what is the differnce between Transition and Migration.. and can You have an 07 org and 03 org work seperately on one domian

Answer: Transition is when you upgrade your Exchange 2000 / 2003 Organization to Exchange 2007 You introduce a new Exchange 2007 Server into the existing Organization and move mailboxes from the Exchange 2000 / 2003 servers to the 2007 Mailbox servers. A Migration involves installing a brand new Exchange Organization and then manually moving data from your old system to the new Exchange 2007 environment. You cannot have an Exchange 2000 / 2003 Organization co-exist with an Exchange 2007 organization in the same forest.


Answer: It all depends on what email system you are moving from. When I use the term “Fork Lift”, I’m usually referring to a migration from Exchange 2003 or 2000. In this scenario, you can still use the Exchange Management Console or Shell to perform a Move-Mailbox.

Question: Hi, following up on a question I asked last time: If I load-balance 2 servers, each with CAS and HTS, can I still add the mailbox sever role (stand alone) on them, or the load-balanced servers just not allowed to have mailbox server role? Thanks.

Answer: You cannot add the Mailbox role to a server that is part of an NLB cluster. You also cannot add the Client Access or Hub Transport roles to a Mailbox Server that is setup in a CCR or SCC configuration.

Question: Are public folders supported on an E2K7 cluster that is using CCR?

Answer: For information on Public Folders and CCR, please see:

Question: Do you recommend to enable Shadow Copy (Snapshot) on Exchange 2007 on all volume or just System Volume such as C:?

Answer: If you are looking to perform a snapshot of the Exchange 2007 database, then only on the volumes that host the databases.

Question: What is howard recommended path for 03 to 07 transition or migration - i recall him saying the cleaner the better

Answer: Here’s the link for migration information If you are asking for my (Harold’s) recommended path from Exchange 2003, I would definitely say Transition!

Question: Can the 3 roles be on the same server?

Answer: The Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport and Unified Messaging roles can all co-exist on the same server.

Question: What is the requirement for AD? can exchange 07 be installed on 2003 server AD, which is running 32 bit?

Answer: Check out the Planning Check List: You do not need to have 64 bit Domain Controllers to support Exchange 2007. The server on which you install Exchange 2007 must be an x64 bit machine with Windows Server 2003 (x64) SP1 or higher.

Question: how to support multiple forest with one edge, does synch edge suppot that

Answer: This is not supported unless you connect the two forests internally.

Question: Do I need to upgrade An SBS 2003 Domain to Standard or above if I am upgrading to an ISA 2006 and E2007 server?

Answer: You can install Exchange 2007 on a new server, but you can't install it on SBS. Exchange 2007 will be a part of the next version of SBS after the new version of the server ships ("Longhorn" server - late this year). But.. you don't need to upgrade your SBS server at all if you just want to add another e-mail server to your existing SBS domain.

Question: With microsoft terms.. the edge transport says the cpu recommended is 2 proc cores does this mean dual core or 2 processors

Answer: Dual core would work fine for that.

Question: Does the exchange migration path from exch2k3 to exch2k7 support coexistence of the 2 orgs within the same ad domain?

Answer: If you are performing a migration, then you would need to setup a different forest to install the new Exchange 2007 Organization into.

Question: can ex2k7 recoganize the 5.5 public databse if i export all PUB.edb from 5.5 and destroy 5.5 server/

Answer: No.. it won't be able to work with the database. You could use ExMerge to pull all mailboxes into .PSTs, or your users could save their mail off to their own Private Folders (.PSTs), and then import the data into new mailboxes (just another option, if going to Exchange 2000 or 2003 isn't an option).

Question: What's the Difference between a transition or migration if had a Exch 2003 Org

Answer: Transition is the scenario in which you upgrade an existing Exchange organization to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Migration is the scenario in which you upgrade to Exchange 2007 by migrating data from a non-Exchange messaging system to Exchange 2007 or from an existing Exchange organization to a completely new Exchange organization, without retaining any of the Exchange configuration data in the first organization.

Question: In every AD site is an exchange server required for users to have mailboxes?

Answer: No. It's not required that an Exchange Server be in every site. Users can still access their mailboxes on servers in other sites. The AD will have that information about where to find their mailbox.

Question: How many mailboxes do you recommend per database/storage group?

Answer: Depends on the hardware. Sizing information is here.

Question: Will lower versions of Outlook work fine with Exchange 07, or is Outlook 07 required?

Answer: Yes, Exchange 2007 will work with Outlook XP, Outlook 2003, and Outlook 2007 (but it isn't required).

Question: are powershell commands faster in perfomance and execution then using the EMC winforms ?

Answer: Remember that the Exchange Management Console winforms are calling CMDLETs. Once the CMDLET starts executing, there is no performance difference. The difference is the time it takes to get to the execution. If you are walking through a wizard, generally it takes a little more time than executing a script from the Exchange Management Shell.

Question: Can a 2007 CAS server also front-end Windows Mobile & RPC over HTTP for Exchange 2003 mailboxes?

Answer: CAS is no longer "Front End" it is a Client Access Server living in Internal network - and yes it will do all "Non-Mapi" roles - Mapi roles are on Mailbox Role

Question: How can we manage on exchange 2007 from another exchange management console? Is that possible or do we need to do it on each 2007?

Answer: You can manage all Exchange 2007 servers from one computer using Exchange Management Console – provided you have the permissions to do so.

Question: Has the offline defrag performance in exchange 07 improved in its troughput and process

Answer: Yes

Question: is the maximum attachment default limit size changed in Exchange 2007?

Answer: Not to sound “uppity”, but does it really matter? The defaults can always be changed. - Harold

Question: is CDOEXM, WMI and webdav still available in E2k7?

Answer: Yes, but CDOEx and WebDav are de-emphasized in Exchange 2007. Take a look at this blog post:

Question: Somewhat related, when can we expect Unif Com Serv 2007 to be beta / RTM? Will UCS integrate ok into xch07 if we go ahead and load 07 in our environment?

Answer: I don't know when the next beta of Office Communications Server will be out. It's currently in a private beta. And yes, it will integrate well with Exchange 2007 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Check out the team blog and watch it for any updates:

Question: In a past 24hr of Exchange 2007 webcast, there was a comment siting 2 scenarios where the 32-bit version of Exchange 2007 are supported. What are they?

Answer: For production, we support the use of the 32bit code in the following two scenarios: 1) Exchange Management tools running on a 32bit version of Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP1 and 2) to extend the Schema.

Question: there was a hidden copy utility called esefile has this been replaced with any 07 tools or is it still used ??

Answer: If you are referring to the ESEUTIL /y option, that is still available in Exchange 2007.

Question: how do you migrate or transition public folder on exchg 2003 to exchg 2007?

Answer: At the start of November, we released version 2.7 of the PFDAVAdmin tool to the Tools for Exchange Server 2003 Web site. There were no new features in this release, but planning and coding is underway for a major update that includes new features and official supportability of Exchange 2007 in the first half of 2007. The 2.7 version addressed several issues, and also provides our users with an early or preview version to try on Exchange 2007. (Note that this version is not officially supported.) This current version works in a "pure" Exchange 2007 topology, meaning you don't need to have Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server computers present. PFDAVAdmin does not have to be run on an Exchange 2007 server—it can also be run from a remote workstation. Use PFDAVAdmin to perform several tasks related to public folder management, such as modifying folder permissions on folders in the MAPI tree, export and import replica lists, look for event registrations, modify the permissions of the Calendar folder in bulk, and many more. See -

Question: Are the test really valid in 32bit given in production you will be running 64 bit?

Answer: yes they still give you an idea of workload.

Question: Can we create a special address list for a group of users, yet they can still see all the users in my organizaiton? Are we creating a new GAL with a small list of users to replace the default GAL with all users?

Answer: Yes, you can create your own custom address lists in addition to the GAL.

Question: Is there a URL for the Exchange Load Generator etc tools?

Answer: Here’s the link for information on the new Exchange 2007 tools: To download the tools, go here:

Question: If I upgrade from 2003 to 2007, do you have to run on 64bit or will it run on x64b / running in 32bit mode

Answer: Exchange 2007 must run on x64bit. We do not support in-place upgrades. You need to install Exchange 2007 on x64bit machine and move mailboxes from Exchange 2003 to the new box.

Question: In the Exchange Management console, Is there a way to expand the "action pane". It seems like the "action" is always cutoff...

Answer: yes you can resize any of the boxes. When I run it (not in Demos) I have the action pane much bigger.

Question: what happens if a junior admin accidently uses E2k3 ESM to administer a user mailbox found on an E2k7 m/b server, and E2k7 EMC against a E2k3 server?

Answer: Some functions are supported, but some aren't. There isn't much you can do against the E2K3 server from the E2K7 server, and vice-versa. Hopefully what they're allowed to do will carry over to their permissions on the new servers, and if so, it shouldn't matter what they're successful (or not) in doing. The items that don’t carry across will just not be “set”. The challenge will be the “confusion”.

Question: when you say 64bit, x64 or true 64b

Answer: x64

Question: are resource mailboxes 2007's answer to public folders in older versions of exchange?

Answer: Not really. Resource mailboxes have been around for awhile, but are easier to manage and support in 2007. The main reason you'll use them is for scheduling of those resources into meetings or other scheduled needs.

Question: So to confirm, if I have an Exchange 2007 Client Access server, I do NOT need an Exchange 2003 OWA server to handle Windows Mobile & RPC over HTTP for Exchange 2003 mailboxes. Is that correct?

Answer: This is correct.

Question: i have one EX03 and one EX07. the EX07 has three rolls and the EX03 is currently handling the OWA . As I move mailboxes over I can have the EX07 handle all the OWA and Mobile role? Is there a link on how to set that up?

Answer: Yes, this is possible. When you install the CAS role, the necessary settings for backward compatibility is already setup. The only thing you may need to do is configure the authentication method (basic or forms based) depending on what you currently have enabled on your Exchange 2003 side. Here is a great post on the Exchange Team Blog:

Question: if i setup CCR cluster, there is only databae inside of each storage group? I cannot put multiple databse in each storage group

Answer: Yes, Continues Replication only supports one database per storage group.

Question: do managed folders work with entourage?

Answer: Yes, provided you enable Public Folders for backward compatibility.

Question: in exchg 2007, can you generate a report who are using the activesyns and when the device was lasted sync?

Answer: You should be able to pull this with the Exchange Management Shell or through MOM.

Question: how do you configure OWA for internet access? Can you put a CA in the DMZ, or do you have to use ISA?

Answer: You won't put the CAS in the DMZ. You'll configure your firewall to allow SSL through to that server - OR you can use ISA to front-end the SSL certificate and publish the OWA app through it.

Question: will you go into more details for unified messaging later in the webcast series?

Answer: Yes, in part 17.

Question: What are the action in the workapace?

Answer: If you are referring to the Work Pane, then the actions available will be associated with Storage Group and Databases. These tasks include things like creating or deleting SGs and DBs.

Question: what is the difference betwen ActiveSync and OWA?

Answer: Exchange Active Sync (EAS) allows you to synchronize mobile devices such as Windows Mobile 5 phones and non Windows Mobile phones that have licensed the EAS technology. OWA (Outlook Web Access) is a browser client that more emulates the full Outlook client experience.

Question: are there any documents out there regarding changing someone's name, e-mail address etc?

Answer: I’m not 100% sure what you are asking for here. If you are referring to doing mass changes of display names, I have not seen any documentation on this. But then, I haven’t specifically gone hunting either.

Question: Can you have ActiveSync disabled by default in E2k7 and then enabled for selecte users (by a groups)?

Answer: Exchange ActiveSync is enabled by default in Exchange 2007 upon installation. You can run a script that will disable the capability in a bulk operation.

Question: Will the "Mailbox" selection show every mailbox in the enterprise or for a single mailbox server?

Answer: By default, the “Mailbox” selection is scoped to the domain in which the Exchange Server is a member of. This can be changed.

Question: what is "Fork Lift" method in terms of exchange migration ?

Answer: Creating a new Exchange Organization as opposed to adding an Exchange 2007 server to existing Exchange Organization

Question: If I have a Single forest with multiple AD, do I need to add client access server in each site ?

Answer: No, you only need a Client Access server role in an AD site that also has a Mailbox server role.

Question: what's the exchange native mode/

Answer: Exchange Native mode is only Exchange 2000, 2003, and 2007 servers - no Exchange 5.5. See

Question: We have Exchange Enterprise 2003, can Exchange Enterprise 2007 write data to two databases in a mirror setup? One database would be production and the second database would be mirrored. We are looking at a way to create a backup of our Exchange server on the fly. Thanks.

Answer: Exchange Server 2007 supports 2 new features that may address this - CCR and LCR. To get more information on these, please look here:

Question: Is there one central place to delete a user from AD and Exchange?

Answer: You could use the Exchange Managment Shell or Exchange Management Console to do both. From the Console, Remove the mailbox and the AD User is also deleted (provided you have permissions).

Question: How can you keep Domain admins from updating Exchange features in AD?

Answer: Unfortunately, a Domain Admin has rights to modify the user object in AD. You cannot stop them from modifying these attributes..

Question: could you set journaling for different servers? we are world wide and have different journaling rules for each region

Answer: There have been substantial improvements to journaling in Exchange Server 2007. Journaling can be done on a per-database, per-distribution list, or on a per-user basis.

Question: Will the Exchange tabs show up in AD User Properties when creating a new Exch 2007 mailbox or just with mailboxes that were moved from 2003 to 2007?

Answer: You no longer will use ADUC to configure Exchange properties on user accounts. Those tabs won't show up in ADUC even if you install the Exchange Admin tools on your DC or AD Admin console. You'll do mailbox admin in the Exchange Management Console or Management Shell.

Question: Too fast and did not catch the full message about NOT using EMC/EMS vs ADUC to modify a user's properties - what, why, etc.?

Answer: There are basic properties that are associated with a User Object in AD. There is no problem modifying these settings from ADUC. The specific settings for Exchange such as Quotas, Exchange Active Sync, etc. need to be modified using the Exchange 2007 tools if the mailbox resides on an Exchange 2007 server.

Question: do the three admin roles correspond basically with the three sections in EMC?

Answer: As far as I’m concerned, Yes. - Harold

Question: For ActiveSync policies, are there more options than what Harold showed? Are there more granular settings?

Answer: I pretty much showed all the options in the Exchange Active Sync policies during my demo. After completing the wizard, you will need to go to the properties of the policy to activate a few of the settings.

Question: Is there a way for any new added servers to automatically be added to an existing users list of servers to administer?

Answer: Unfortunately, no.

Question: With exch2k3 recipient policies, if you did not click to "apply this policy now" then it would not take affect. Does exch2k7 change with regards to applying policies?

Answer: When creating E-mail Address Policies in Exchange 2007, you have a choice of having it take effect immediately or at a scheduled time. Also, since we don’t depend on the RUS to stamp the object, immediately means immediately.

Question: I noticed that OWA 2007 cannot present Exchange 2007 public folders. What are the work arounds to that? And is the first Service Pack for Exchange 2007 slated yet?

Answer: You're right. Exchange 2007 OWA (RTM) doesn't support access to Public Folder. There is no workaround for this “issue”. However, we are working on adding this capability back in with Exchange 2007 SP1 (no announced date for the SP1 yet).

Question: Is it limited only to Outlook 2007 being not able to access PF stored on E2k7, or does it also affect legacy versions (OL2002,2003, etc.)?

Answer: Previous versions of Outlook can also access Public Folders in Exchange 2007.

Question: For the ActiveSync polices question - is there more granularity in options versus Exchange 2003?

Answer: There are a few more options. Some of these options require Windows Mobile 6 on the mobile device. Windows Mobile 6 is not out yet so that is a "future" component.

Question: Is Admin group exist in ex2k7?

Answer: The concept of the Admin Group in Exchange 2007 has "gone away".

Question: How do you output information from the shell to a html file?

Answer: You can use the “convert-to-html” option.

Question: I currently have 2 E2003 servers both having a public folder store and the public folder stores are a replica of each other. I am planning to build a mailbox server role cluster with CCR. I understand CCR does not support public folder replication. But can I still move a public folder store into that cluster?

Answer: For information on Public Folders and CCR, please see:

Question: We are actualy using routing server E2K3 in cluster mode by migrating to E2K7 we will lost high availablity clustering is no more supported at HUB it's a problem when we have mails in queue they are not processed and still in queue due to we haven't shared resources.What's tour work around? Keeping E2K3?

Answer: Just because we don't support the Hub Transport server role in a fail over cluster, does not mean there is no resiliency available. In this case, you would install at least 2 Hub Transport servers in the site. Resiliency is built in.