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Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 11 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-23-07)

Here's Part 11.  I'm working very hard to get caught up and am making some decent progress.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Also, I found quite a few duplicated questions from multiple attendees so I cut out most of the repeats.

Harold Wong

Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 11 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-23-07)

Question: Where are the lab casts located?


Question: What advantage besides scalability is there to having more than one hub in an enterprise?

Answer: redundancy. One goes down, the other continues the work.

Question: Where do I get the the corresponding visio shape elements of the new E2k7 server roles?


Question: where can I find the records of the 24 hours webcasts?


Question: We have a 2K domain and E2k3. We are planning on MIGRATING our 2k onto brand new 2k3 servers. Trying to find best method to MIGRATE domain (new server), DNS (new server), DHCP (new server), E2k3 server to a 2003 domain. Then, migrate our 2003 Exchange server onto new hardware and use E2k7. I'm not finding much info. Any suggestions?

Answer: I don’t know that there is a “Best” method for this. There are quite a few documents on migrating your Domain controllers - (Many links along the right as well) There is separate documentation on deploying Exchange Server 2007. Another option is to contact a consulting firm to assist.

Question: can the transport rules contain "or" logic as well?, or is it only "and"

Answer: Yes - essentially that's what you get when you have multiple rules defined. If it doesn't apply to the first one, then the next one will be attempted.

Question: For OWA, do you have to add the domain in the user field when logging in? What about auto discover?

Answer: You can configure a default domain in the admin of OWA, so it's not strictly required. Auto-Discover does not have anything to do with OWA.

Question: Do these transport rules apply even in the case where there is only one transport hub?

Answer: Yes, Transport Rules are applied by all Hub Transport servers – even if you only have one (it’s still “all”).

Question: can you modify the font to differnt font types to match company fonts

Answer: No, this is not possible.

Question: Can you have two disclaimers? One for internal e-mails and one for external e-mails? Or, one that's for external emails only?

Answer: It all depends on how you configure the conditions of your Transport Rules.

Question: can rules be written of AD groups

Answer: No. These are e-mail entities only, so you're limited to Users and DLs, but not pure security groups.

Question: Can I add user groups instead of individual user accounts?

Answer: You can, if they are Distribution Lists in your Exchange Org.

Question: can you setup disclamier rules according to groups or OU'S

Answer: Distribution Lists, yes. Not by OU or Security Groups.

Question: Can the HUB rules be used for In Bound email from the outside world. i.e. route email to another user orbounce back to the sender

Answer: Yes.

Question: for rules referencing DL's, does a rule testing To a DL interpret as "sent to the dl" (sent to the entire list) or "sent to any member of the dl"? thx

Answer: There are different conditions that key in on DL’s. They are not all the same. Please look at: for more information.

Question: Can a distribution group be automatically created by specifying an OUname and say, in effect, "create a distribution group containing all members of this ou"?

Answer: There is no automatic way for this to occur within Exchange Server 2007. You can create a script that does this from the Exchange Management Shell based on user input.

Question: I take it then that this can be used to prevent out of office emails from going outside of the company/enterprise boundary?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How do Public folders get accessed from the new version of OWA?

Answer: Currently they aren't accessible. We are looking to include this as part of Exchange Server 2007 SP1.

Question: Can the content rule of the social security number be applied to out-bound emails?

Answer: Yes. You can also do this at the Edge Transport server role.

Question: Can you append disclaimers after the message has been journaled so the disclaimers are not journaled?

Answer: Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Question: are there transport rules for faxes or voice messages?

Answer: since they are an e-mail yes - Meeting requests, regular messages, encrypted messages, and rights-protected messages that are sent between authenticated users. All e-mail messages that are sent anonymously, regardless of message type, sender or recipient. Check out -

Question: can a rule reference the members of a dynamic dl? thanks

Answer: Yes! That works.

Question: Why ist the disclamer above the xxx-xx-xxxx in your demo, normaly it is at last in the body

Answer: You can change the priority of the rules. When you add to existing rule, it puts it at top.

Question: Is message archiving for compliance reasons done by transport rules or by journaling?

Answer: Transport or Journaling if it's a rule that is watching messages as they're being transported. But not if it's rules for messages that are at rest. Those are policies that are managed on the user's mailbox directly.

Question: Is there documentation on what types of variables can be used in the transport rules?

Answer: Regular Expressions are discussed here:

Question: is there a rule that will automatically create a task in outlook? like a distro group that creates work orders from customers?

Answer: You cannot create Outlook Tasks using a Transport Rule.

Question: Can we create folder on multiple mailboxes in a signle shot? We want to implement a companywide policy of Managed Folder....

Answer: Yes. Create the policy and then apply it to multiple users using the Exchange Management Shell.

Question: How do you enforce the email rule of not having any email after 6 months, when ysers are saving their email to a PST file.

Answer: You can choose to disallow access to PST files from the Outlook 2007 client.

Question: Can a outlook user override such a retention policy by simply copying the email message to a local folder?

Answer: Absolutely. Much of this assumes that you have users who are following your company policies. These settings just help you apply them. You can, however, create rules against the standard set of folders, too... for example - all e-mail older than XYZ days will be deleted, or moved to some other managed folder.. and then deleted after a certain additional number of days... etc. However, these policies don’t apply to email that reside in a PST if that is what you mean by “local folder”.

Question: When moving email to a managed folder does it restamp the deliver date or does it keep the original date? Meaning if I move emails after 180 in my inbox and then permanatly delete after 180 days in my managed folder, will that delete it immediately or I have 180 after the message was moved into my managed folder?

Answer: The actual deliver date of the email to the mailbox is never restamped. You can say to start the clock ticking either when it was originally delivered (that is, created), or when it was put into the managed folder. In your example, it sounds like you are keying in on the date it was moved to the folder. If that is the case, then the email can have a life of 360 days.

Question: It occurs to me that perhaps there is a group policy setting for outlook that disables local folders?

Answer: Disable .pst folders? There is policy that can affect those; yes.

Question: Is this rule not conflicting the archiving software like Enterprise Vault?

Answer: Exchange Server 2007 does offer 3rd party API's for similar as well as extended functionality. Exchange 2007 is also stepping up to the plate in offering some "Out of the Box" functionality is key areas such as Life-cycle, Archiving...

Question: Does E2k7 support existing PSTs? What should we do with our existing PSTs? Should we import them into E2k7 or leave them as PST files?

Answer: Existing .PSTs are supported. It all depends on where you want mail to be - how important that information is and how you want to manage it centrally. .PSTs are fine, but not for a firmly-managed environment where compliance regulations or other legal or internal policies might require strict control and lifecycle rules.

Question: can policies or rules be applied to attachments, ie. prohibit customer contracts docs from leaving the organization?

Answer: Depending on how you create the Transport Rule, this is a possibility. An even more powerful option is for users to use Information Rights Management in 2007 Office. :)

Question: What's the name of the MOSS library type for jounaling emails again??

Answer: Records Management Document Library.

Question: so journaling isnt set at the store level like it is in 2003?

Answer: You can either create a Journal Rule as part of the Hub Transport or you can enable the entire Mailbox Database by going to the properties of the mailbox database in question and specify a journal recipient.

Question: i thought Ex2K7 supported TLS transport for external email set to a TLS-enabled peer SMTP server? see Opportunistic TLS Encryption, at

Answer: Yes it does allow you to setup managed connections as well as Opportunistic TLS Encryption - If the destination SMTP server supports TLS (via the “STARTTLS” SMTP command) when sending outbound e-mail from Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server will automatically encrypt the outbound content using TLS. In addition, inbound e-mail sent to Exchange Server 2007 from the internet will be encrypted if the sending server supports TLS (Exchange Server 2007 automatically installs SSL certificates).

Question: Can you journal by a group of users?

Answer: Yes.. you can set the "Journal messages for recipient:" to a DL if you want.

Question: Is there a virtual lab for E27? If no, then when will it be available?

Answer: There are Several -

Question: Can you provide link ror some "out of the box" archiving information?

Answer: Exchange allows you to journal emails to another Exchange Mailbox or to a SharePoint Server Document Library. I wouldn’t consider this archiving though. If you are referring to the ability to extract emails or attachments out of Exchange and store them in an ancillary environment, this is not an “out of the box” feature in Exchange 2007.

Question: what is the purpose of the journal??

Answer: Compliance needs. Whatever you want it for. Most often there is some regulation or compliance that needs to be addressed, so a Journal rule is a more simplified version of a Transport rule. It's historical.

Question: ok combine those two - can we create a transport rule that requires TLS transport for certain classes of external recipients? thanks! ... can i REQUIRE encryption when sending to certain kinds of external recipeints. I don't see this as a listed predicate available at thank you

Answer: This is something that is done on the Edge Transport server role.

Question: Looking to transfer the public folder from ex5.5 to ex2k7 using ex2k3 in between, will the configuration work if we have ex2k3 and ex2k7 on the same domain and the ex5.5 on a separate trusted domain?

Answer: Remember that the Exchange Organization is at the forest level, not at an individual AD Domain level. You will want to transition everything from the 5.5 to the 2003 server first. Decomission your 5.5 Server(s) and change to Exchange native mode. Then you can introduce your Exchange 2007 servers.

Question: Re costing...we can put Costing for routing times I see that the costing is put on the AD component and other times on the Exchange that is what the context is...

Answer: If I understand you correctly, you are referring to the Hub Transport and the cost associated with an AD Site link. The HT depends on the cost that is defined in the AD Site definitions. You can override this with a specific cost that Exchange will use instead of the AD Site cost.

Question: Is there a good web site provide compliance guideline (i.e. e-mail retention duration ... etc)?

Answered Privately: Here is the information for configuring Messaging Records Management:

Question: on a 2 node ccr configuration, if the active node dies for a couple of days and the passive node takes over as is suppose to, when the failed server comes back online and is quickly set to be the active node again will there be a data loss since the node had been offline for a period of time?

Answer: Once the former Active Node comes online, it will be out of sync and the two will need to be resynced before it can become the active node. Please see the following article on managing a CCR environment: I haven’t been able to find any guidance on what to setup in terms of time frames or what to delete, etc.