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Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 10 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-21-07)

Okie dokie.  I have finished the Q&A Log for Part 10.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Harold Wong

Exchange Server 2007 Series (Part 10 of 24) Questions and Answers Log (02-21-07)

Question: how can i access the Public folder via OWA?

Answer: We do not have support for Public Folder access via OWA in Exchange 2007 at this point.

Question: Please excuse my ignorance, but at what point, or where, do you determine the URL to OWA? I have seen several different variations.

Answer: You can specify this in the OWA Properties in Server Configuration associated with CAS.

Question: Where can I find documentation on setting up SMTP relay in Exchange 2007? Thanks.

Answer: and have great information on this.

Question: How can I view the previous web casts?

Answer: You will need to register for the ones you want to view and you will be given the necessary information to download.

Question: Is there an automatic accept for meeting rooms?

Answer: Yes, you can set this.

Question: Harold said Monday was a hands-on Lab. Where can I find the list of hands-on labs?

Answer: He was talking about the guided labcasts at

Question: In Exchange 2003 the mailboxes is not acctually created until a user connects to it, or an email is sent to it.... Has this changed in Exchange 2007?

Answer: from my understanding this changed in 2007. The mailbox is created when you add a user, they don't have to log into it to create it like they did in 2003.

Question: When I run the setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions, the Organization Checks..... FAILED and a message "The Exchange organization is not in native mode." Can you point me to the right direction to fix this issue?

Answer: You need to use the Exchange System Manager from your Exchange 2003 / 2000 environment to make the change. This is performed against the Exchange Organization.

Question: is there a problem with part 2 of the labcasts? the link takes me to a page that says the labcast doesn't exist.

Answer: This should be corrected now (I just verified). Please let me know if you are still experiencing issues.

Question: Is there a specific document/web demo for migrating from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2007?

Answer: covers both Exchange 2000 and 2003.

Question: what's different between disable and move mailbox/

Answer: move mailbox is used to move the mailbox to another information store DB, or convert it from 2003 to 2007, Disable is just like it sounds the mailbox can not be accessed.

Question: can you create custom address books and publish them

Answer: Yes. Please see for more information.

Question: For resources is there an admin account .. I noticed that users scheudle reoccuring meetings .. when they are terminated there needs to be a management source to remove the meetings.. is there such a role or resource for 07

Answer: Unfortunately, this does not exist.

Question: i am having problems making Edge server communicate with Hub. Are there any detailed instructions on how to troubleshot it. I think it has something to do with certificates.

Answer: Have a look at It's possible that you might need to remove and re-add the Edge Subscription to correct this issue, but it's hard to say without knowing more information.

Question: Why does a meeting room or equipment need to have a mailbox? Who is going to send an email to a Meeting Room or a piece of equipment? Is there a meeting room bot and or an equipment bot in Exchange that responds to emails?

Answer: In order to schedule use of a meeting room or piece of equipment, you have to have access to that item's Free/Busy data. Free/Busy data is based on information stored in Calendars. And a primary Calendar is one of the default core folders in a Mailbox. Without a mailbox, you have no calendar. And without the calendar, you have no Free/Busy data. And without that, you can't really schedule things because it's the Free/Busy data that tells you when these things are available and when they are not.

Question: as admiistrator, how can I delete all messages in the mailbox of one of my user

Answer: You can use Outlook and connect to the user’s mailbox. Or, you can use the Exchange Management Shell.

Question: What is the difference between a Distribution group and a Dynamic Distribution group?

Answer: A dynamic distribution group is a distribution group that uses recipient filters and conditions to derive its membership at the time the message is sent. For example, a dynamic distribution group might specify a recipient filter such as "users with external e-mail addresses and contacts with external e-mail addresses," and a condition such as "Recipient is in a company." When someone sends a message to this dynamic distribution group, Exchange queries Active Directory for all recipients that match the filter and condition specified. Then Exchange returns a list of all external recipients that work for the company specified and sends the e-mail message to that list of recipients.

Question: So, is there still a RUS in Exchange 2007?

Answer: Technically, there is a RUS, but it's completely under the hood, and nothing that an administrator needs to deal with in Exchange 2007.

Question: I tried that, i re-added edge subscription, but this got error that server can not connect to LDAP server, and possible causes, one of them certificate. I created new certificate and still nothing... I have all the required ports open... I just need some more in depth look at this. I checked the document that you referenced.

Answer: This is really not the appropriate place for troubleshooting individual issues. If the documentation does not help resolve this, you might try using the Exchange 2007 forums at or give Customer Support a call at (800) 936-4900.

Question: He said it deletes the AD user principle, can you override that?

Answer: Yes, you do not have to delete the AD user account when deleting a mailbox

Question: And, with an "under the hood" RUS, mailboxes that are created are instant-on and do not experience the mail attribute propagation delay sometimes associated with E2K3 RUS, correct?

Answer: Correct. You can also use the Update-AddressList and Update-EmailAddressPolicy Exchange Management Shell cmdlets. To replace the full functionality of RUS, you can schedule these Exchange Management Shell commands by using the Task Scheduler in Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

Question: What is the x400 email type used for?

Answer: Backward compatibility, coexistence in certain scenarios, and interoperability. See also,  for more information.

Question: Can Exchange Server 2007 communicate with a mail client that uses IMAP. It is my understanding that the Outlook mail client protocol, MAPI(?) is proprietary to Microsoft and therefore not available to developers of third party mail clients. Is this correct?

Answer: Yes, Exchange 2007 supports IMAP4 (and, as an aside, POP3). In fact, you can use Outlook in POP/IMAP mode to connect to Exchange. Of course, you get more features using a MAPI client. Although Microsoft owns MAPI, there are lots of third-party products that use MAPI. Outlook is most certainly not the only consumer of MAPI technologies.

Question: can you save filters?

Answer: The filters in the Exchange Management Console cannot be saved.

Question: How would LCS be operation in Exchange 2007?

Answer: LCS works great with Exchange 2007. LCS 2005 does not require Exchange though. You can even check it out yourself in a virtual environment. See for more information.

Question: Are there built in scripts for resources? For instance, can you tell Exchange to not allow multiple conference rooms to be invited to a single appointment?

Answer: No, this is not a capability that is built in.

Question: So, once we migrate completely to 2007, we can ditch all addresses except for SMTP as long as some other program (i.e. RightFax) doesn't need them?

Answer: You may be able to. It really depends on what the needs are for your organization. See for more information.

Question: please define the acronym Rus?

Answer: Recipient Update Service.

Question: Is X.400 still needed in 2007?

Answer: It is supported as a custom address, but it is not required.

Question: Can you specify a OU in the shell?

Answer: yes

Question: When I upgrade to Exchange 2007, I will be running 2 AD servers. One is currently the Global Catalog AD server/Print Server, and the other will be the Exchange Server. Should I leave the GC services on the current server or should I make the new Exchange 2007 server the GC server as well?

Answer: We don't recommend running Exchange on a DC/GC, but if you are running Exchange on a DC you do want to make it a GC, as well. Plus, you want at least two GCs in the environment anyway for availability purposes.

Question: Will the console have more functionality added in future updates?

Answer: Yes! In fact, we're adding some new Exchange Management Console UI elements in Service Pack 1.

Question: you can specify an OU when creating a new user/mailbox - I had the same issue, and figured it out!

Answer: Yes, you can! :-)

Question: Will CDOEXM, CDO and WMI be removed from 2007? What can we use instead of the management shell?

Answer: You can use either the Exchange Management Shell or the Exchange Management Console. If you write your own GUI component, you will essentially be calling CMDLETs that are part of the Exchange Management Shell.

Question: Where does Exchange stores the free busy information?

Answer: Exchange 2003 stores this in the Public Folders. Exchange 2007 will also store it in the Public Folders for Outlook 2003 and older clients. Otherwise, the Availability Service that is part of the Client Access server role will perform a look up of the user’s free / busy information at the time the meeting request is being put together for Outlook 2007 clients.

Question: It would be useful to use the functionality of a dynamic group but also to apply permissions for folder access. Currently a dynamic distribution list can not be assigned a SID.

Answer: Agreed. However, this is not possible today.

Question: with dynamic dist lists, can you have "or" logic as well as "and" logic?

Answer: Not at this time. The condition is essentially an AND filter.

Question: Can you put External contacts in a distribution group?

Answer: Absolutely, but be careful that it if people don’t realize this when sending emails that aren’t meant to be sent outside the company.

Question: Can you nest dymanic list inside a normal list?

Answer: Yes

Question: can you allow for management of distribution list for domain users that do not have access to console

Answer: Yes. The most common method is via a website front end. We have shipped some examples of how to do that and it's actually how we maintain our security and mail groups inside Microsoft.

Question: So does that mean that if a new user is created and is given the department Sales, are they automaticly added to that dist. group?

Answer: From my demo, yes.

Question: In Exchg2k7 if emails are entered in public contact lists re: public contact folder, can dynamic distribution groups be setup for 'mail contacts' based on the email field in the public contact folder w/o having to create a 'mailbox contact'?? That way, if it exists, then the email will reside in the dynamic dl; if it gets updated, then the dynamic dl will reflect the change. In Excg2k3, you can mark a public contact folder to be listed in the 'Outlook Address Book' so that they are really not setup as 'external email addresses' in Exhg2k3.

Answer: Yes

Question: Regarding licensing, does the 32 bit license expire? If we use the 32bit in a test lab, will I have to re-install it every 120 days?

Answer: Nope. See for more information.

Question: So re LCS --- would it differ in Exchange 2007 (features, performance...)...we use Jabber but to replace it with LCS, we see some differences...

Answer: Live Communications Server does not require Exchange at all. The way it works does not change if you have Exchange 2003 or 2007 or no Exchange in your environment. Feel free to send me an email with more on what you are looking for from a Corporate IM / Presence solution. - Harold Wong (

Question: Does the dynamic distribution place a lot of overhaed on the DC or Exchange server?

Answer: The query is executed at the DC or GC. The overhead is minimal.

Question: Dynamic distribution lists in Exchange 2003 allow customized filters (ldap queries). Within a ldap query "or" logic is possible with the | symbol. Are customized filters not allowed for Exchange 2007?

Answer: That is something that must be done from the Exchange Management Shell as that is considered an "advanced" function.

Question: Well...we run into situations where a user will leave the org but in coming mail/access to the mailbox needs to be redirected to a manager. We want to disable the account from a security perspective but if that's done, access/mailflow is removed so to address this, we have been changing the password on the account. Is there a more effective solution?

Answer: With Exchange 2007, you can disable the Windows User Account and the mailbox will still accept email. You would then need to grant permissions (via Exchange Management Shell) to the manager so that he / she can open the mailbox and access the emails.