Exchange Server 2007 now with SP1 Questions and Answers (02-05-08)
Thanks for those who attended the webcast on Exchange Server 2007 now with SP1 back on February 5, 2008. I have finished editing the Q&A log and am posting here. If I did not answer your question fully, please feel free to email me.
Harold Wong
Exchange Server 2007 now with SP1 Questions and Answers (02-05-08):
Question: is this going to be available to view on demand?
Answer: Yes, you should have received an email with all the necessary information on how to access the On-Demand version.
Question: Has Server 2003 SP2 been released?
Answer: Yes, it has. You can find it here:
Question: does the standby server have to be actually running Exchange server? Or can it simply be a NAS or other storage server?
Answer: The Standby Target MUST be running Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (or higher). This is also true for the Source server.
Question: I came in late so don't know if you covered this yet, but what about Public Folders? Most businesses we deal with rely on Public Folders. How does 2007 cross the gap with regards to Public Folders?
Answer: I’m not 100% sure what your needs are in regards to Public Folders, but Exchange Server 2007 does support Public Folders. With Exchange Server 2007 SP1, we now also support Public Folder access from Outlook Web Access (OWA) and we also have a GUI tool for Public Folder management. Realize that not all Public Folder management options have been included in the GUI, but most common tasks are.
Question: CCR and SCR, what do they stand for
Answer: CCR = Clustered Continuous Replication; SCR = Standby Continuous Replication.
Question: Manage default for maximum number of messages in a mailbox?
Answer: You can set quotas on mailbox size. The best way to do this is via Messaging Records Management. If you are looking to set a limit on the number of actual messages (versus size of mailbox) in a mailbox, that is not possible.
Question: I don't seem to be able to down load the presentation? It is not under handouts?
Answer: Unfortunately, the PPT deck is not in the Handouts. You were able to print to PDF during the session.
Question: Is there a method to view the overall messaging limits in Exchange 2007 SP1? I have had an issue with recieving emails larger than 10 MB even though I have checked the messaging and SMTP limits.
Answer: Remember that limits can be set in different places. You need to check and see if you have set any limits at each of these locations.
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Client to Server Secure SMTP Connectivity in Exchange Server 2007 Which PDAs are Most Compatible with