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Exchange Server 2007 Labcast Series (Part 6 of 8) Questions and Answers Log (03-16-07)

Here's the Q&A Log from Part 6 (LCR) of the 8 Part Labcast Series.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Harold Wong

Exchange Server 2007 Labcast Series (Part 6 of 8) Questions and Answers Log (03-16-07)

Question: Are the last changes always written to e02.log?

Answer: Yes, that is the "current" log.

Question: I was looking for the first labcast in this series, it wasn't listed with the rest of the web/lab cast listings

Answer: It is posted in the virtual lab site for Exchange server. You can access it here:

Question: After we deleted the log and db directory on disk1 how did the system no to copy it back after we disabled lcr

Answer: Exchange did not know to copy it back. The lab had you use the LCR copy as the primary copy.