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Exchange 2003 Webcast Series Update

Finally!  I am back up and running with access to my Blog site!!

I wanted to post the questions and answers that I have given as Homework assignments up til now.

On November 2, 2005 during Part 3 of the 14 Part Series, I gave the following Homework assignment:

  1. What are the two different instances of Recipient Update Services?
  2. What are their purposes?


  1. The two different instances are Enterprise configuration Recipient Update Services
  2. Enterprise configuration Recipient Update Service:  There is only one instance of this Recipient Update Service in the organization, because the Enterprise Recipient Update Service is used to update the configuration directory partition, and there is only a single configuration directory partition shared by the entire forest.  The Enterprise RUS updates email addresses for the system objects such as MTA and System Attendant. 

      Domain Recipient Update Service:  You must have at least one Recipient Update Service for each domain that contains mailbox-enabled users.  The Domain RUS updates address information for the recipient objects as well as address lists in the domain it is responsible for.


On November 4, 2005 during Part 4 of the 14 Part Series, I gave the following Homework assignment:

What are the steps required to remove the 1st Exchange 2003 Server from an Administrative Group?

Answer: The steps are outlined in the following KB article:


On November 9, 2005 during Part 5 of the 14 Part Series, I gave the following Homework assignment:

How do you configure Exchange to allow 2 different limits on SMTP messages - one for Internal emails between Exchange servers and the other for External (Internet) emails?

Answer: There are a couple of options. 
   1. Configure one SMTP Virtual Server with no limits on the Virtual Server.  Then configure an SMTP Connector that utilizes the SMTP Virtual Server and assign a limit on the Connector.    
   2. Configure two SMTP Virtual Servers (Internal and External).  Configure the limits on each aappropriately.  Create and configure an SMTP Connector that utlizes the External SMTP Virtaul Server and apply the same limits as on the External Virtual Server.  If there are multiple network interfaces in the server, then utilizing the second option provides a way to segment the Internal and External traffic depending on how these interfaces are connected to the network.  This also allows you to configure the IMF on the External Interface without applying it to the Internal interface.
