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24 Part Exchange Server 2007 Webcast Series - Follow Up

First, I do want to thank all of those who attended the 24 Part Exchange Server 2007 Webcast series!!!  Also a big thank you to my team mates who helped answer Questions during the live webcasts!!

Throughout the series and even now after the series, I have received a HUGE amount of emails asking for clarification on things that I covered during the series or for help on things related to what I covered during the series.  I've been busy researching and answering these questions via email.  As I was on the plane home from San Francisco last night, it occurred to me that I should compile a list of the most frequently asked questions via email.  To keep with the theme of "24", I will be posting the top 24 Frequently Asked Questions (and the answers) via email from the 24 Part Webcast Series.

For those of you who have sent me emails with questions, but have not received a response from me, please accept my apologies and do me a favor.  I had my Junk E-Mail settings set very high and I know that some (a lot) of emails have been categorized as SPAM and therefore deleted.  I have adjusted my settings about a week ago and have been seeing a lot of emails (with valid questions) show up in my Junk E-Mail folder.  So, if you have not received a response from me, please resend.  Also, for the subject, start with "Exchange Webcast Series Question for Harold".  I have created a rule to highlight these so that it is easier for me to find them.  Thanks!!!!

Harold Wong


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Harold: I am impressed with the zeal you have in answering these questions. I pray that they are a few. Nonetheless, mine will add one more to the list.
  1. Question: The quantity of Mail stores in EX2k3 are not the same as mail storage groups in EX2k7.   During design migration to Ex2k7, what is the madness you use to establish how may storage groups you should have and what quantity of mailboxes in each.
  2. What math do you use to come up with the number for storage groups and the number of mailboxes in each storage group. Thank you