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Microsoft France, Datacenter and Cloud

A great example of “a social engineering” attack : my Polynesian friend Marceline attacked me this morning !!

The context/purpose of this blog It is always interesting to use real world examples to explain...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 09/12/2010

how to address complex WebSSO scenarios with UAG and customization

  This year, I will be at Tech Ready - a Microsoft internal event - giving a few sessions about...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/27/2010

Speedup UAG in « offline » environment

Most of the time, when running a demo or POC, your environment is not connected to the internet....

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 06/27/2010

UAG Activity Logging

When you connect an application through UAG, all the user activity will be logged by the system. The...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/23/2010

Understanding (and extending) UAG Web SSO capabilities

First of all, I would like to thank Matthieu Martineau ( (Gold...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/18/2010

Tracing UAG : don’t be blind ;-)

Tracing a product is always a good thing. First, it helps you to understand how it works internally...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/17/2010

Changing the policy error message (graphical)

The purpose of UAG is to provide “remote access” (more an employee term) and “application...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/16/2010

Understanding workstation analysis, under the hood

When you connect UAG, in an internal phase called “install and detect” the UAG client will download...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/16/2010

Understanding workstation analysis and security policy

Workstation analysis and security policy are the key features proposed by UAG to provide security at...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/16/2010


This December, a lot of changes happened in the Microsoft security portfolio. After more than 1 year...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 12/28/2009

Strong authentication using your Brain : IAG and Gridsure.

Gridsure, a UK company, has created a very nice way to provide strong authentication. Strong...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/29/2009

BPOS and DNS Configuration : warning if your domain is at Gandi

Recently, I have decided to evaluate BPOS (Business Productivity Online Services), the Hosted offer...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/28/2009

IAG KCD breaking due to missing “keep-alive” header. Why ?

A few days ago, I was working with Fadhel Ben Brahem, one of our IAG experts working for Dictao, a...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/28/2009

Unknown devide error when runing IAG Virtual Lab with “Windows Virtual PC” on Windows 7 RTM

I recently upgraded my machine to Windows 7 RTM, and have decided to also install the next version...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/13/2009

How to request for assistance when a Web Application is causing problems through IAG/UAG

On my blog, I have created a dedicated section (TAG = howTo-Filters) for IAG application filters....

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/12/2009

Introduction to application reverse engineering : The CWA (Communicator Web Access) R2 case.

By Lucimara Desiderá (MS Consultant, São Paulo) & Frédéric ESNOUF (MS Pre-sales IDA, Paris)...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 08/01/2009

GEMALTO (Gemplus / Axalto Merger)

GEMALTO authentication server is called Protiva. It is a global authentication solution which can...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

How to debug IAG SP2 KCD

Introduction Since IAG SP2, Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) it handled at IAG level (not...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

How to detect Skyrecon software in IAG

By default, IAG is capable of detecting a wide range of software on the client side. What happen if...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

Extending client-side analyzis (example : Test Registry Key)

  IAG is able to inspect your workstation and then later, per application, verify if you are...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

Tracing Client-side

  When you connect IAG for the first time a “client”  (in fact a bunch of sub components)...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

Display end-point detection variables on the client-side

When you connect an IAG portal, a client-side component will inspect your workstation and will take...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 07/21/2009

Hello SSD, good buy OCZ

As an IT PRO, I am spending most of my day with my laptop computer. It is used for basic things like...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 03/25/2009

How to convert Technet "online" documentation in a file

Most of the products documentation are now online. this is very nice since it is centralized, and...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 01/05/2009

IAG Service Pack 2 is now RTM (Part 1)

Yesterday IAG 2007 Service Pack 2 has been launched by the team. If you want to download it, you...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 12/18/2008

IAG SP2, what's new ? Quoi de neuf ?

Come and join me for an hour presentation web cast. This presentation is in French, and will take...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 12/06/2008

Warsaw IDA event : "Dzień Dobry."

This week, I had the chance to join my friends of Microsoft Poland for a 2 days event around the IDA...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/27/2008

Free IAG training/ Formation gratuite IAG : IAG SP2 will be there.

Do you want to discover IAG ? Come and join me for a free 2 days training. This will take place in...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/21/2008

IAG/ILM/RMS event in Warsaw : come and join us

It is with a lot of pleasure that next week, I will have the opportunity to go in Poland for an IDA...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/19/2008

I love technology !

I had a very nice evening today. One of my best friend came at home, and we organized a audio/video...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/18/2008

Installing IAG on top of Hyper V : install your windows machine

In the list of new features arriving with IAG SP2, we have now the possibility to install an IAG...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/17/2008

I turned Blue : My new blog on technet.

Hi, "you turned blue" is what a friend of mine said when I announced a few months ago that I was...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/10/2008

How to transfer file from my physical machine to my VM ones

The main purpose of hyperV is not to "play" with VMs. Virtual PC is designed for that...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/09/2008

Installing win2008 Hyper V on my Lenovo T61p machine : HyperV Network Part

Before even working on VMs, we need to configure the network properly. The big challenge here is to...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/06/2008

Installing win2008 Hyper V on my Lenovo T61p machine : Operating System part

As a step 1 in my lab, I had to install windows 2008 on my physical machine and also activate the...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/06/2008

My machines : Lenovo T61P (Win2008/hyperV) and X61 (Tablet, Vista, day to day activity)

Lucky me, I have the chance to use 2 machines for my work. The big one (heavy, powerful) is a lenovo...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/05/2008

IAG SP2 : many enhancements, including hyperV support

Microsoft IAG is today (prior SP2) only available as a Hardware machine (Appliance). In the list of...

Author: Frédéric ESNOUF Date: 11/05/2008
