Default Authentication Settings Exchange 2007/2010 IIS Application & Virtual Directories!!
Im getting alot of questions around the default authentication setting for the exchange virtual directories - So I though I would dig this out as a handy reference;
You can find these settings in IIS7. Select each Virtual Directory and then IIS section –> Authentication. Listed are the virtual directories that are enabled by default with a clean install of Exchange 2007/Exchange 2010
Note these settings are from Exchange 2007 Standard SP2 Installation, but should be the correct settings for Exchange 2010
SSL Settings:
All the Virtual directories are set to Require SSL with 128bit except for OAB that DOES NOT require SSL and RpcWithCert which DOES NOT require 128bit (it DOES require SSL though).
June 06, 2010
What is the asterisk for on OAB folder?Anonymous
July 27, 2010
Thank you John.. I have found several sites that say "Check your IIS Authentication Settings" or something to that effect, but none showed me what they should be. I followed these settings and this corrected my problems. Thank you for taking the time to share..Anonymous
September 21, 2010
Thank You!!! Fixed all the issues I was having, great information. I have a feeling these settings are not set this way during the install or something,Anonymous
October 25, 2011
Thank you!!!! This fixed the issue of the Option Tab not working on OWA for me!!!! Awesome information!!!!Anonymous
July 02, 2012 This will give more info .Anonymous
September 09, 2013
Can this URL be used for Exchange 2010 as well?
December 16, 2015
perfect and right at the spot. problem solved. thanks!