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Specialized, 1:1 training on CAB & Smart Client Software Factory (SC-BAT)

Looking for specialized, hands-on, instructor led training on CAB and the SC-SF to jumpstart your development?


David Platt is offering a 4 days intensive workshop on CAB & SC-SF (SC-BAT). Feedback from other customers that have taken David's training has been very positive. Details below:

Full information is available online here:

Where:   Microsoft Technology Center Boston at 890 Winter St, Waltham MA 02451. Directions and accomodations online at

When: from Monday July 10 at 9:00 AM till Thursday July 13 at 3:00 PM

Cost: $1745 if paid before June 1, $1995 after. Cancellation policy is full refund if cancelled by 5 PM ET on June 10, no refund thereafter. Substitute attendees at any time.

Prerequisites: basic familiarity with the .NET Framework, Windows Forms, and Visual Studio 2005