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Welcome and Let’s talk about UM in the Cloud


Hi! Thanks for coming. My name is Greg Katz and was also part of the three man team the UC Amigos in Education and responsible for post at 3 UC Amigos. Though it’s sad to leave such a great following Mark Garcia and I are excited to share our knowledge and customer experiences on our new blog Education in the Cloud. We were looking for some catchy names and are looking for feedback. My original blog was Bill and Greg’s Most Excellent Adventure followed by 3 UC Amigos so I’m looking for something good.

The topic today is UM. First of all this requires Exchange Plan 2. We have three options for connectivity 1) Lync on-prem, IP-PBX, or TDM PBX with VoIP gateway. Also – SBCs are needed for both PBX and IP-PBX options.

Please continue to use the Telephony Advisor for Exchange 2010 for options for connectivity. Currently these SBCs are certified and have configuration notes:

AudioCodes Mediant 1000 MSBG  6.00AL.014   SBC option for VoIP gateway product

Ingate SIParator19 4.8.4   Dedicated SBC

NET VX1800  4.7.2v47   SBC option for VoIP gateway product

More detailed information and configuration notes, when available, can be found in the Exchange Online topic Session Border Controllers Tested with Exchange Online UM.

Some more info:

Important note I’ve found is that write back to the directory is only for the DirSync Directory use FIM or other methods to write this attribute back to other domains. 

New attribute for UM enablement “msExchUCVoiceMailSettings

So you can enable from Lync or from Exchange

ExchangeHostedVoicemail  - 1/Enabled by Exchange

LyncHostedVoicedMail – 1/Enabled by Lync.