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What's New at eXtremeCRM 2012 Las Vegas


seth%20pattonThe Microsoft Dynamics CRM product strategy is evolving and as a Microsoft Dynamics partner, we want you to get the details first – directly from us – on the updated Microsoft Dynamics CRM roadmap and strategy at eXtremeCRM 2012 Las Vegas.

This is a don’t-miss, 100% Microsoft Dynamics CRM event for partners looking to grow their Microsoft Dynamics CRM practice.

I’ll deliver the details of our updated Microsoft Dynamics CRM roadmap during my keynote address on the opening day of eXtremeCRM 2012 Las Vegas. I’ll showcase how Microsoft Dynamics CRM will leverage key innovations from across Microsoft and our ecosystem to help you further prepare for future growth.

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We have been working with the eXtremeCRM team to ensure the agenda provides you with the tools and information you need to meet – and exceed – your business goals. Check out the updated agenda with speakers HERE.

What eXtremeCRM 2012 Las Vegas Can Do For You:

1. As a Business Owner, attend the exclusive eXecutive Summit for an executive forum and elite access to Microsoft leaders and industry experts who will help you push your organization to the next level.There are only a few spots left; don’t miss this unique leadership opportunity. REGISTER HERE

2. Register Leaders, Salespeople, Consultants, and Developers in your organization. There are unique tracks and content by role. Remember, people cannot be in two places at once; get the most from the conference by sending people from all functions within your business. REGISTER HERE

3. Have your developers show off their wicked development skills and learn some tricks and tips along the way by signing up for the eXtremeCRM Apps Challenge. There is no additional charge, and you can SIGN UP as an individual on an ad hoc team or your company can form a corporate team. There are great prizes for the winners; register today!

4. Maximize time out of the office and your T&E budget by having your technical and sales teams attend pre-event ISV training offered via the eXtreme Training Academy. Pricing is separate. Learn more and register HERE.

5. If you recently released a new app, nominate it for the Innovative New App Award HERE.

Check out the eXtremeCRM Reference Guide for full details on what eXtremeCRM Las Vegas has to offer for you and your company. Don’t delay; register today!

Seth Patton
Senior Director
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product Marketing