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US Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Services Bureau Officially Launched

If you are a marketing professional working for a Microsoft Dynamics partner, many of you know we have delivered information a few times discussing the highly anticipated launch of the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Services Bureau (MSB). For example, you’ve seen the pre-launch special offers, and attended web seminars through the Marketing Professional Community. Well, now the wait is finally over. Yippee!!!

Welcome to the new US Dynamics Marketing Service Bureau!

We’ve assembled a wide variety of marketing services from Microsoft Dynamics-savvy vendors. Whether you need a list, consulting services, an outsourced Marketing Director or a social media solution, MSB can help fill your marketing gaps and accelerate your path to new leads.

Review offerings based on:

  • Outbound Marketing: Demand Generation
  • Inbound Marketing and Social Media
  • Marketing Consulting and Content Creation

Access the complete list on PartnerSource as well as download the Complete Guide to US MSB Offerings which includes some additional offerings that are not available on the website, plus customer reviews on each of the vendors.
