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Microsoft Dynamics Partner Marketing Call: LinkedIn Presents – Getting More Business Value out of LinkedIn's 120M Users

Those of you that follow this blog fairly regularly are familiar with the synergies we’ve establish between it, PartnerSource North America, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. PartnerSource continues to be the primary destination or "hub" for partners to stay connected with the latest Microsoft Dynamics news and information. And we definitely know many partners spend a considerable amount of time trying to find content on PartnerSource, therefore we leverage this blog and social media to assist you in your "searching" efforts. Another way in which the blog and social media engines are helpful is to build and amplify many of the messages we are seeking to land within Microsoft Dynamics partner community.

One of the major benefits social media also provides is the ability to network with virtually anyone. From a business-to-business standpoint, one of the biggest services to tap into is LinkedIn. Next week, on December 15 at 11:00AM Pacific, our Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Professional Community is hosting a web seminar where partners will hear from Blake Bozananski of LinkedIn on how to leverage the social media networking’s platform.

With over 120M professional users (and growing), LinkedIn is the only global social platform delivering marketing solutions in a business context.  Learn how to maximize your membership to connect with other business professionals and drive new business.  See how others are using LinkedIn in the B2B space and get actionable tips that will help you achieve your organization’s sales and marketing goals.   You’ll walk away with a whole list of new things to check out and campaigns to test on LinkedIn!

Register for the event through the Partner Learning Center.
