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Learning the Building Blocks of Life through Lego

Periodically, I’ll post a non-work related blog leaning toward more personal observations. I hope you still enjoy the read. Smile

First off, yes, I know the building blocks of life are more biological in nature (cells, genes, etc.). But, in this post I’m focusing on the building of knowledge and awareness through hands on learning.

Second, I’m a huge Lego fan! One of my childhood passions has been totally revised by having two young daughters. If you doubt me, here’s an excerpt from a letter my parents received almost 30 years ago…

Thank you for your nice letter and for sending the newspaper article and photographs relating to your son, Kevin’s, “Transformer” creations. We are glad to hear that Kevin enjoys building with LEGO® products. He certainly seems to have very creative and innovative talent with the models he has made….We will be happy to post the newspaper article and photographs our Company bulletin board for our employees and visitors to enjoy and admire.

Now, as a youngster, I was completely amazed to receive this letter (plus they threw in a gift right before my birthday too!), but looking back, it’s great to see how this remarkable response has really stuck with me over the years. In the pre-internet information age, there was no such thing as an instant response. Someone carved out a little time in their busy day to personally mail a note back.

Finally, circling back to building knowledge and awareness, I’m really excited to see this year Lego introduced a line of products specifically targeted at girls – LEGO® Friends. I’m all for Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc. but right now I’m pretty sure my “dolls rule the world” daughters will be really excited to play with these. I can hardly wait to see their imaginations run wild. Easily hours of enjoyment for the whole family!
