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FY13 Microsoft Dynamics Interactive MicroSession Schedule

Join the FY13 Microsoft Dynamics Partner Community Interactive MicroSessions!

What is an IMS?

The Microsoft Dynamics Partner Community IMS is an interactive microsession dedicated to enabling partners to grow their business. Live sessions are hosted monthly for ERP, CRM, RMS, and new partners.

What can you expect in an IMS?

You will get the latest business insights, Microsoft news, offer updates, sales and marketing updates, readiness, tools and resources, Microsoft Partner Network updates along with the irreplaceable insights from your fellow partners. We dedicate about 30 to 45 minutes to an interactive presentation and dedicate the remaining 45 to 60 minutes to freeform Q&A and discussion driven by you the partner.

Interactive MicroSessions are built around three pillars:


  • Partner to partner connections, build your network
  • “Interactive” MicroSessions
  • Keep Microsoft aware of your business, let Microsoft know what you need


  • Streamlined communications, let us net it out
  • Work how you work, more avenues to reach out to Microsoft
  • Web Sessions geared at topics you care about


  • Marketing guidance
  • Sales guidance
  • Community forums

How do I join an IMS?

Register for upcoming sessions by visiting the United States Microsoft Dynamics Partner Training & EventsCalendar.

Visit PartnerSource to access the complete FY13 schedule of upcoming IMS events.
