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Customer Effective Accesses New Markets and Minimizes Sales Cycles by Leveraging the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace

A Blog Series for Microsoft Dynamics Partners by Christian Lindberg, Solution Sales & Marketing, Microsoft Dynamics Partner Team.

Listing its solution called Customer Effective: FinServ for Microsoft Dynamics CRM on the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace brings a steady stream of new business opportunities to Customer Effective. Mike Rogers, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at Customer Effective, explains, “We receive an average of eight new contacts per month through our Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace listing. Of those, an average of four turn into qualified leads and engage with us in conversations about their goals and visions for the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in their business.”

“Through the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, we hear from many people in micro-vertical market segments, so we can effectively increase our exposure and visibility in certain areas,” says Rogers. “The potential purchasers tend to be extremely sophisticated. They need to meet highly specific requirements within budget constraints.” In pursuing the new business that the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace generates for Customer Effective, the company’s sales representatives find that they can significantly shorten the sales cycle. “By effectively aligning customer needs and our solution offering, starting with an introduction through the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, we can cut the sales cycle in half, from six to eight months down to two to three months,” states Rogers. “We can increase our sales volume, and customers receive their solution sooner. Everybody wins!”

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