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Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM) Initial Setup and Synchronization with Dynamics 365 for Financials


We've had many questions on setting up and synchronizing data between Dynamics 365 for Financials and Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM), so we hope these videos will help with the process.

Watch the first video below for step by step instructions on the initial setup of Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM) with Dynamics 365 for Financials:

Tips for initial setup:

  1. In your Company Information window in Dynamics 365 for Financials your User Experience needs to be set to Suite.
  2. Setup requires 2 users set up in Office 365 Admin
    1. An integration user (this user has to be assigned a Dynamics 365 for Financials license and a Dynamics 365 for Sales license)
      1. This integration user cannot be the same user that enters data into CRM.
      2. Once the setup is complete the licenses may be removed for this user.
    2. A CRM Administrator (the user who originally set up Dynamics 365 for Sales and is assigned a Dynamics 365 for Sales license)
  3. During the Assisted Setup when entering users, the Integration User should be entered first and the CRM Administrator second.


In the next video, located below, I discuss steps and tips on synchronizing data between Dynamics 365 for Financials and Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM):

Note: At the end of this second video Item synchronization is briefly mentioned, please note that Item/Product synchronization is really designed to go from Financials to CRM.  You can synchronize Items/Products from CRM to Financials, but only the Item Name will synchronize over to Financials:

Tips for synchronization:

  1. Use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connection Setup window to define how synchronization occurs.
  2. Synch Job Queue Entries button:
    1. There was a change to how jobs run, they now will only run when data changes in Financials and Dynamics 365 for Sales, they will be placed "on hold" the rest of the time.
    2. Use to Set Jobs on Hold when making changes and then to Restart the jobs when changes are complete.
    3. Set the No. of Minutes between Job runs
      Note: It is a best practice to set jobs on “hold” when making changes to the way jobs are ran
  3. Integration Table Mappings button:
    1. Define to Synch only coupled (matched) records.
    2. Define templates to use for default data, these need to be setup prior to selecting in this window.  To create a template, search for ‘set up templates’ and open “Set Up Customer/Vendor/Item Templates”, for example, to see Configuration Template List and then under Actions click New to create your own template.
  4. General Rules for synching data:
    1. For Customers and accounts
      Synch salespeople with Dynamics CRM users first
    2. For Items and resources
      Synch units of measure with Dynamics CRM unit groups first
    3. For Items and resource prices
      Synch customer price groups with Dynamics CRM prices first
  5. If your existing data is not synching between  Dynamics 365 for Financials and Dynamics 365 for Sales go through the following steps
    1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Connection Setup window.
    2. Go to the Actions tab.
    3. Click Generate Integration IDs and click Yes to continue.
    4. Click Run Full Synchronization and click Start which will start the synchronization process
      1. NOTE: If there is anything in the list to synch that you do not want to synch you can click the three dots and Delete Line.
      2. NOTE: If this has been run before the start button may not be available. To make it available delete the lines that have Errors or are In Progress, close the Full Synch window, and reopen.  Your deleted rows should be re-added and the start button will now be available.


What can be synched between Dynamics 365 for Financials and Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM):

CRM Record Financials Record Direction
Account Customer Bi-directional
Contact Contact Bi-directional
User Salesperson From CRM to Financials; can also be manually coupled
Product Item/Resource From Financials to CRM
Transaction Currency Currency From Financials to CRM
Unit Group Unit of Measure From Financials to CRM
Sales Order Sales Order From CRM to Financials; orders may originate in CRM. These are written across to Financials.
Sales Invoice Posted Sales Invoice From Financials to CRM; orders that originated in CRM may be invoiced and posted in Financials. That will update the order status in CRM as well as send the historical (posted) invoice across from Financials to CRM.