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Windows Azure, Tell me more... (Cloud Computing)

Windows Azure

For some time now i get repeatedly asked for more information on our cloud offerings (from a technical starting point). With this post we would like to help you to get started on the inforrmation sources which are available for you. 

Cloud computing is here. Running applications on machines in an Internet-accessible data center can bring plenty of advantages. Yet wherever they run, applications are built on some kind of platform. For on-premises applications, this platform usually includes an operating system, some way to store data, and perhaps more. Applications running in the cloud need a similar foundation. The goal of Microsoft's Windows Azure is to provide this.

Where to start is the question? Please review the links where you will find subjects like:


Max Beuker 


*PS - In Nederland is er een Linked-In Groep en een handige aanvulling.


Windows Azure User Group Meetings zijn bedoeld voor alle architecten, engineers en consultants die interesse hebben in -en/of ervaring hebben met- het Windows Azure Platform. Dit is geen initiatief vanuit Microsoft, maar door de community gedreven. Deelname aan de WAZUG NL events is vrijblijvend en daar is geen lidmaatschap voor nodig. Ze is te volgen op twitter @wazugNL en via de LinkedIn groep WAZUG linkedIn