Update to the F# 1.9.3 Release
Hi all,
An update to the F# 1.9.3 release has been posted to the Microsoft Research Downloads site. Additional changes between1.9.3.7 and are:
- Constructed classes may now be mutually recursive with other types, fixing an incompletness in the language implementation
- The Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Func module is deprecated (this contained a few rarely used functions related to function values themselves)
- The prefix operators "%" and "%%" have been added as ASCII-equivalent for Unicode section marker operators used for splicing into quoted expressions (i.e. for data binding into quotation expressions).
- Some additional identifiers in Pervasives have now been marked with the 'OCaml compatibility' attribute. We recommend people cross compiling with OCaml use --no-warn 62. [ Note: this may be a bit verbose for those cross-compiling F# code with OCaml and using these APIs heavily. In the next release we expect this warning will be off for all files ending in extension ".ml". ]
- Bug fixes, including some installation and documentation bugs
January 24, 2008
Actually, there are plenty of reasons why F# ((F == Functional) == True)) ROCKS. Here's a few from the previously linked F# site on Microsoft Research, Combining the efficiency, scripting, strong typing and productivity of ML with the stability, libraries,..Anonymous
January 28, 2008
In a previous post , I've begun a pretty fun adventure into F# . I'm still working on quite a few samplesAnonymous
January 31, 2008
Microsoft Research から F# の が出てい...Anonymous
February 07, 2008
F# Web Tools seems to get bricked with this release: both demos throw "Ambiguous match found" at WebTools.Coreweb_asp.fs:102