Today in London: F# at UCL Algorithmic Trading Workshop
Today I'll be giving a 20 minute slot at the UCL Algorithmic Trading Workshop in London. Anyone can come along to the event, which may be of interest to people working in both industry and research.
(My talk won't be particularly focused on algorithmic trading, just a general quick F# taster)
Algorithmic Trading – Global Opportunities for Research
And Launch of the Global Algorithmic Trading Competition
In association with Microsoft, Citigroup, Barclays Capital, LMAX and Knight Capital
Tuesday 28th June, 1.00-5.00pm, University College London
Roberts 106 Lecture Theatre
Roberts building, Malet Place WC1E 6PJ
Topics and Speakers
12.45- 13.00 Registration and coffee
13.00-13.20 Keynote Address
Markets, Networks and Auctions
Microsoft - Peter Key
13.20 -13.40 Algorithmic Trading – Current trends and future directions UCL - Prof Philip Treleaven
13.40-14.00 Automated Trading – The technology is the business Barclays Capital - Chris Donnan
14.00-14.20 Competition launch and introduction of the prizes:
Microsoft’s Best Algorithm Prize
Best use of Microsoft software prize
Barclays Capital Prize for Best Competition Entry by a Female
CitiFX Prize for Best Trading Model
Knight Capital’s Prize for Best Use of Data
LMAX Trading Hero Prize
UCL - Dr Dan Brown
14.20-14.40 High Frequency Trading FX Citi - Dr John Loizides
14.40-15.10 Afternoon Tea
Served in Roberts 110
15.10-15.30 A Taste of F# - Functional Programming Meets Information- Rich World Microsoft – Don Syme
15.30-15.50 The Application of Automated Trading at Knight Knight Capital - Kee-Meng Tan
15.50-16.10 Real-time risk management means tick-by-tick LMAX – Martin Thompson
16.10-16.30 UCL’s Algorithmic Trading System Platform UCL - Michal Galas
16.30-16.40 Wrap Up Microsoft - Azam Husain
16.40 Drinks & Networking
Served in Roberts 110